Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 334 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 334 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (48)

For a few seconds, the terrace fell into an eerie silence.

The beautiful atmosphere in the air disappeared in an instant.

Ji Ge was silent for a while: "I didn't wear high heels today."

"And," Ji Ge seriously emphasized: "I have 1.7 meters."

You're already tall for a girl, okay? !

Ji Ge can't wait to step on the [-]cm high heels that stand out from the crowd to prove his innocence.

The young man stared at her quietly for a while, the corners of his lips curled undetectably.

"Yes, not short." After a pause, Sui Li whispered again: "You look very good today."

The praised Ji Ge suddenly stopped being angry, and nodded in agreement: "I think so too."

She decided on this outfit after several discussions with the costume designer, trying to make her first appearance in a real image to achieve a stunning effect.

"Where's my gift?" Ji Ge raised his face and asked.

The girl's tone trailed off softly, revealing a sense of intimacy naturally.

Just by listening to it, one can feel the warm atmosphere between the two that does not allow a third person to intervene, which is so obvious that it hurts the heart.

The black shadow hidden behind the glass door lowered its eyes, the light was cut into fragments, casting bright and dark shadows on the boy's face, his expression was obscure.

It was Lu Ze.

He didn't listen any more and walked away.

"Lu Ze," Ruan Zhimian called to stop Lu Ze when they reached the corner.

The girl didn't know how long she stood there, and how much she saw. She pursed her lips and asked earnestly, "You like Yunji, don't you?"

Although Ji Ge has changed her name, Ruan Zhimian is still used to calling her Yun Ji.

It seems that all doubts have been answered.

Ruan Zhimian raised her hand and touched her face.

She doesn't look like Ji Ge, but she is a half-sister after all, and there are two or three points of resemblance between her eyebrows and eyes.

And these two three points are similar, which is probably the reason why Lu Ze treats him differently.

Ruan Zhimian suddenly found it ridiculous that Xie Meng was favored by Yunzhi because of his resemblance to his mother, and he received special treatment from Lu Ze because of his resemblance to Ji Ge.

In the dark, I don't know if it is another trick of fate.

Lu Ze's jaw line was tense, and he didn't respond to her.

The two were silent.

After a long time, Ruan Zhimian heard the boy's hoarse voice: "Yes."

For the next words, don't ask any more.

Ruan Zhimian closed her eyes, then opened them, and quietly removed the water in her eyes: "It's between us, Lu Ze."

Both Ruan Zhimian and Lu Ze knew that at this moment, they were completely over, and there would be no other possibility.

Ruan Zhimian didn't stay long and left soon.

Leaving Lu Ze alone, he remained silent for a long time.

The boy stood in front of the French windows on the first floor, ignoring those who came over to strike up a conversation, and looked out at the cold night through a layer of cold glass.

Behind him was a banquet hall that was as bright as daylight and full of people coming and going. There were endless laughter and laughter, but the tall and straight figure of the boy seemed extremely lonely against such a bustling and lively background.

Snowflakes swirled and fluttered, and fell on the floor-to-ceiling windows, dizzying a layer of white mist.

Lu Ze suddenly remembered the first year of high school.

He and Ah Ji went home by car together, the girl was tired and closed her eyes because of exhaustion, and fell asleep leaning on the back of the chair.

Her side face was in the afterglow of the setting sun, and was kissed inch by inch by the rays of the setting sun, and it was coated with light gold, and a few gold powders fell on the thick black eyelashes, blurring the outline.

 one more

  My network here is too stuck, the next update may be later, but I will definitely write
  There should be two changes today, and tomorrow will add more
(End of this chapter)

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