Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 341 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 341 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (55)

The door was closed.

Ji Ge raised his head slightly, and was about to throw away the empty milk tea cup when the person in front of him suddenly turned his head.

Slender fingers grabbed her wrist and pressed against the door panel, the young man's delicate face was enlarged in her field of vision until it was almost impossible to get close.

The blond hair fell down and slid across the girl's fair cheeks softly, and a few strands slipped and meandered on the girl's collarbone, touching the skin, and it felt cool to the touch.

Bright red lips touched hers, slowly rubbing against hers.

Caught off guard, Ji Ge didn't react at all, and blinked blankly.

The milk tea cup was crushed unconsciously by her, making a slight noise.

The cold and alienated breath covers Jige overwhelmingly, leaving no gaps, brewing the coolness and lightness like the first snow, and the fragrance is clean and cold.

A hasty, unexpected kiss.

The door behind him was cold and hard, and the young man in front of him was tall and slender, his arms loosely enclosing a small space, imprisoning Ji Ge within it, not allowing her to escape at all.

He tentatively licked Ji Ge's lips, his movements were green and unfamiliar.

"Hmm." Ji Ge wanted to speak, but the young man blocked his mouth in the simplest and rudest way.

Ji Ge was forced to raise his face, the face with soft lines was beautiful and elegant, and the shallow pupils were filled with a thin layer of mist, which diffused in the pupils.

The boy gradually deepened, his lips and teeth entangled.

The girl's breathing gradually became rapid.

It took a long time for Sui Li to let go of Jige.

Ji Ge's legs were a little weak, and she supported Sui Li's chest to borrow strength. The girl raised her head out of breath, and gave the boy a dissatisfied look.

However, her lips were slightly red and swollen from the kiss, and her pupils were misty. This look didn't look angry, but rather coquettish.

Sui Li bit Ji Ge's lips with a bit of force. Unexpectedly, Ji Ge hissed subconsciously, covering his mouth and struggling to push Sui Li away.

The boy rested his head on Ji Ge's shoulder, his lips rubbed against the girl's tender neck, hugged her, and said in a tone of grievance, "Chirp, can you stop bullying me all the time?"

When he spoke, he brought up a small air current, and his light-smelling breath blew up the fine long hair scattered around the girl's temples, bringing a slightly itchy touch.

Ji Ge suppressed the thought of turning his head, and slowly put out a question mark.

Make it clear who bullied whom just now.

A boy or a girl dressed up, the gorgeous Lolita-style long skirt set off her unparalleled beauty, her blond hair was fluffy, and it blended perfectly with the facial features of the mixed race, making her facial features too delicate.

Ji Ge couldn't help but said: "Actually, you look pretty good in women's clothes."

Sui Li gritted his teeth and said sullenly: "Don't mention this matter."

"I'm going to be mad, Haw."

"And as soon as I got angry," the boy casually raised his eyelids and gave her a meaningful look, "I just want to find a way to get back in another place."

Is this a threat?
Ji Ge's eyebrows twitched, not daring to challenge Sui Li's patience anymore, and suddenly died down.

Ji Ge is very busy during the summer vacation. In the future, she will be responsible for the two big groups of Yun and Meng. Mr. Yun has high expectations for her, and he naturally hopes that she will grow up quickly.

So Ji Ge spent almost the whole summer vacation in the company, being a busy little intern.

Sometimes even Sui Li couldn't find anyone.

In this busyness, the university started.

Both Ji Ge and Sui Li attended S University, not only in the same school, but also in the same class.

It's just that Ji Ge didn't want to make too much publicity during college, so the relationship with Sui Li was not made public.

 New Year's Day benefits are added, and cars cannot be written, so that's it.

  Today is gone, and there is probably another chapter in this plane to end.

  Thank you xzふ little star and little angel for your reward, good night everyone and go to bed early
(End of this chapter)

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