Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 346 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 346 Cat Cat Please Answer (2)

The original owner put on heavy makeup on his face, but he didn't remove it before going to bed, and it became difficult to explain after a night, and with Ji Ge's hand-wiping...

Unprepared Ji Ge almost died in place from being frightened.

Ji Ge frowned, took out the makeup remover according to the original owner's memory, and wiped off his face bit by bit.

The makeup was wiped off, revealing the girl's delicate face.

The long red-brown hair is fluffy and fluffy, like a bend of red algae in the shallow sea, spreading out in the clear sea water. The girl's facial features are very delicate, with ostentatious and bright peach blossom eyes, and the ends of the eyes are slightly upward hooked. With a bright nose and red lips, her skin was fair and crystal clear, and her whole body exuded the arrogant and domineering temperament unique to a young lady.

At first glance, he doesn't look like a good person.

After enjoying Ji Ge, he walked out of the bathroom slowly, and went to find a piece of clothing in the closet.

The smell of alcohol on his body was really bad, Ji Ge made up his mind to clean himself up.

It can be said that the original owner has achieved the ultimate in rebellion, blatantly confronting Sheng's father, not only dyed his hair, but also dressed in all kinds of clothes, including hot girl styles, but some serious clothes are not easy to find.

Except for being afraid of pain and not piercing her ears, she really learned all the essence of Xiao Taimei.

Ji Song sighed.

After taking a shower, she simply packed up her things and went home.

When going out, Ji Ge saw what the heroine was hanging on the doorknob, and raised her eyebrows.

Hanging in the plastic bag is a box of walnut crisps that the original owner likes to eat, as well as many small pastries, and even money.

She thought she meant well.

However, for the original owner, it was undoubtedly a humiliation for Sheng Qianying to give these things to him in such a way that was almost merciful.

I don't know if there is any instruction from Sheng's mother.

With such a calm method, a little girl was forced to be even more reluctant to go home.

Ji Ge rubbed his chin, his ostentatious peach eyes curved up, and a playful and cool smile appeared on his face.

The morning sun is just right, pouring in through the glass door, casting warm and bright light and shadow.

The clerk is busy taking care of the pets and cleaning their nests.

The door was pushed open, and the clerk straightened up immediately, with a standard polite smile on his face, and said enthusiastically, "Welcome, what do you want to buy?"

Ji Ge walked in, looked around the store, and thought for a while: "I want to buy a cat."

The prototype of the male protagonist is a bird. According to the original plot, he will not be able to change back to the prototype for a while because of his serious injuries, so Ji Ge plans to bring a cat home to add trouble to him.

However, caught off guard, the system announcement sounded next to Jige's ear: "Di, Shang Heng's current favorability value: three."

Raiders target?

There was a bit of surprise in Ji Ge's eyes, and he glanced around cautiously.

There was no one else in the shop except the clerk.

Thinking of the background of this plane, Ji Ge suddenly frowned, and asked the system: "System, which one is the target of the attack?"

"Host, the target of the attack is... the cat not far from you."

With the prompt from the system, Ji Ge quickly found the person he was looking for, no, it was... a cat.

In fact, even if the system didn't give a prompt, Jige would have noticed the cat.

Because it is so beautiful.

The cat nestled lazily on the shelf, not far from the surrounding animals. Its hair was as white as snow, clean and fluffy like a fluffy dandelion.

 The holidays are gone, so it's the same as usual, and I will update it today.

(End of this chapter)

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