Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 351 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 351 Cat Cat Please Answer (7)


The WeChat notification sounded.

Ji Ge casually took out his phone from his schoolbag, opened it and glanced at WeChat.

Du Qiqi: "Sister, do you want milk tea?"

Ji Ge thought for a while before remembering who Du Qiqi was.

The original owner's cousin was one grade lower than her, and happened to be studying in S. The relationship between the cousins ​​had always been close, but after she entered high school, the relationship between the two gradually decreased.

It wasn't because Du Qiqi had conflicts with the original owner, but because the original owner started a late rebellious period after Su Wanluo married into the Sheng family, rarely came to school, and Du Qiqi couldn't find the original owner at all.

Drinking milk tea was probably an excuse, Du Qiqi was obviously drunk, Ji Ge was a little curious about what she wanted to say to him, and typed out a word in response.


Du Qiqi replied almost in seconds, Ji Ge reckoned that this person is also a master at class who can make every effort to make ends meet.

Du Qiqi: "Then I'll come find you after class."

Before Ji Ge could reply, the desk in front of him was suddenly knocked twice.

Ji Ge raised his head subconsciously, meeting the boy's eyes.

The boy with black hair and black eyes, blue and white school uniform set off his slender figure, his back is straight like a pine tree, his expression is cold and indifferent, his appearance has withstood the test of the school uniform, and his complexion is as bright as jade.

A typical Bingshan boy.

Ji Ge snorted softly, propped his chin loosely with his right hand, raised his head and smiled, "What's the matter?"

Unfortunately, this is still an acquaintance.

——The original owner's childhood sweetheart, Qi Ye.

The original owner and Qi Ye grew up together since they were young, but the relationship between the two is average. One is a young lady who is so arrogant that she has the word willful carved on her forehead, and the other is a taciturn high-cold academic bully with very different personalities. Farewell, Sheng Jige couldn't understand Qi Ye's indifference, and always kept him at a respectful distance.

The boy wore the armband of the student union on his sleeve, and pressed the pen to the registration book in front of him. He said calmly, "Come out with me."

He glanced at the phone that Ji Ge hadn't put away, and continued: "Or, you want to deduct class points."

Oh wow.

Ji Ge raised his eyebrows, and looked at Qi Ye with interest. Xiao Bingshan has grown up, and his temper has changed a lot, and he even learned to threaten people.

The girl stood up in a good manner, stuffed the mobile phone into her pocket, raised her chin, and said with a lot of aura, "Lead the way."

It doesn't look like a student who has made a mistake and will be deducted points, but rather like a young lady going out on a trip.

Qi Ye twitched the corners of his lips, motioned to the classmates who were checking with him, and walked out of the class first.

Sheng Qianying secretly glanced at the backs of the two of them, and listened to the people around them guessing about the relationship between Ji Ge and Qi Ye, slowly lowered her head and bit her lips tightly.

The two stood at the end of the corridor.

Ji Ge looked at him: "What do you want to talk about, after talking, will you not deduct class points?"

"Your class points will not be deducted," Qi Ye said flatly, "Sheng Jige, since you are here at school, you should study hard."

"You called me out with such fanfare, just because you want to tell me this." Ji Ge laughed.

"Well," Qi Ye lowered his eyebrows and said, "After all, the college entrance examination is still a year away. Since we have known each other for so many years, I still don't want to see you squander your life at will, and regret it later."

This remark has crossed the line, beyond the concern of an ordinary friend.

Ji Ge suddenly realized something, and took a few steps forward, briskly.

The sweet orange fragrance from the girl's body came, slightly sweet and strong like her, asserting her presence domineeringly.

Qi Ye didn't expect Ji Ge's action, and his eyes widened in shock.

The girl's tone was obviously narrow: "Little Bingshan, you don't like me, do you?"

 Cat Love Rival +1
(End of this chapter)

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