Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 353 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 353 Cat Cat Please Answer (9)

What did Shang Heng think?

Shang Heng was very resistant to this.

The kitten almost blew its fur, its paws pressed against Ji Ge's extended fingers, expressing its rejection with movements.

Too bad this couldn't stop the brutal Song of Silence.

After a while, Ji Ge picked up the kitten, thought of something, and smiled viciously: "By the way, I forgot to ask the clerk how old you are yesterday."

The girl's tone was serious: "Generally speaking, for the health of the pet and the owner, I will take you to be neutered after a certain period of time."

Sterilize, sterilize, sterilize? !

The kitten was frightened.

Those eyes, as beautiful and clear as glass beads, were dull.

After a long while, it barked, thumping and trying to break free from Ji Ge's shackles.

It's a pity that it is in the form of a cat now, and it can't reveal its true identity, so the strength of resistance is easily suppressed by Ji Ge.

Of course, this does not rule out Shangheng's guilt.

Because when struggling, the kitten used too much force and accidentally scratched Jige's arm.

A clear scratch was left on the girl's white arm. She hissed lightly, and subconsciously let go of the kitten she was carrying.

The kitten didn't take the opportunity to escape, but meowed twice and looked at her eagerly.

"It's okay." The scratch was not serious, and Ji Ge comforted the kitten in a low voice: "It doesn't hurt."

The kitten opened its eyes wide, walked forward slowly, rubbed the palm of Jige's hand flatteringly, moved obediently, and barked softly twice.

This is the first time that Ji Ge heard Shang Heng's call, it is not an ordinary pet, so naturally it cannot learn the tricks of real pets to be cute and obedient, and they have only known each other for a few days, so they can't be regarded as acquaintances.

The kitten's meow is the same as its appearance, soft, obviously the childish voice of a cub, with a little trembling milk sound.

Cute to bursting.

Ji Ge was heartbroken, picked up the kitten, and squeezed its paw: "Screw twice."

Afraid of hurting Ji Ge again, Shang Heng didn't dare to move casually, and the kitten was held in Ji Ge's arms stiffly.

"Screw twice more," Ji Ge teased it: "Screw twice more and I will forgive you."

Shang Heng was caught in a tangle, and it seemed that Ji Ge didn't notice the strangeness of it, but treated it as a smart and sensitive pet cat.

However, Shang Heng is still a monster in essence, with a heavy image burden on him.

After a long time, the kitten hummed reluctantly.

"Okay," Ji Ge said contentedly, "I'll take you to take a bath."

The kitten who thought it had escaped was stunned.

Ji Ge was very ruthless, ignoring the obvious fact that Shang Heng didn't want to take a bath at all, and took it into the bathroom.

Because the kitten didn't struggle too much this time, Jige's actions went very smoothly.

Ji Ge bought shower gel for pets before, she found it out, lowered her head and unpacked it.

The girl's attention was all on the shower gel in front of her, the kitten held her breath, and prepared to slip out of the bathroom lightly.

With a "click", the frosted glass door of the bathroom was closed by Ji Ge's hook, blocking Shang Heng's hope of escaping.

The kitten's eyes gradually despaired.

"Good boy," Ji Ge put half a basin of warm water and tried the water temperature, the devil whispered: "It will be fine soon."

Ji Ge spent more than half an hour bathing Shang Heng. A large part of the reason was the other party's lack of cooperation. The girl was exhausted after washing.

The kitten was wrapped in a towel, a wet cat with strands of fluff sticking to its body, completely without its previous beauty.

Fearing that it would catch a cold, Ji Ge dried the kitten's hair before carrying it out of the bathroom.

 two more

  Haw made a big death, lit the wax for her
  Maomao is not Sui Xiaoli, he is a white cut black, black to the bone, now chirping to death, will have to pay back in the future (Yunbei)
(End of this chapter)

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