Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 356 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 356 Cat Cat Please Answer (12)

"What kind of trouble is she?" Ji Ge casually stroked the cat and replied softly.

Sang Yue was stunned for a while before realizing that Ji Ge was answering her question just now.

The girl's tone was understated, showing a bit of disapproval, but it seemed reasonable for her to say it.

"Let's go." Du Qiqi glanced at her watch, and said with some regret: "get out of class is over soon, let's go first."

"If they come to bully you again," Du Qiqi emphasized, "remember to come to me or my cousin."

Ji Ge glanced at her, but did not refute Du Qiqi's assertion.

Sang Yue blinked her eyes and smiled slowly. The girl smiled beautifully, her face was soft and delicate, outlining the clear and beautiful facial features: "Yes, thank you."

Sheng Qianying came back very late today.

Ji Ge just came down to drink water, and saw the girl hurriedly opening the door with her schoolbag in her arms.

Aunt Zhou glanced at the dark sky, and opened the door for her: "Why did Qianying come back so late today?"

Sheng Qianying pursed her lips, and replied softly: "Some things are delayed on the way."

Generally speaking, Sheng Qianying and Ji Ge came back by car together, but today Sheng Qianying got out of the car early to buy some stationery.

Ji Ge's eyes fell on the bulging schoolbag, which seemed to contain something, and there was a little bright red on the fabric, which was not obvious.

She was thoughtful.

Calculating the time, the male protagonist will appear on the stage at about the same time.

Sheng Qianying caught a glimpse of Jige not far away, subconsciously hugged her schoolbag tightly, called her sister in a low voice, and hurried back to the room.

Aunt Zhou didn't even stop to respond when she called her to eat.

"Why is Qianying in such a hurry?" Aunt Zhou frowned.

"Maybe there is something urgent." Ji Ge took a sip of water slowly and replied casually.

Sheng Qianying closed the door, leaned against the door, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl carefully opened her schoolbag.

A pitch-black bird was lying in the schoolbag, and when it sensed Sheng Qianying opening the schoolbag, it rolled its eyelids sleepily.

The black bird looks a bit like a crow, but it is bigger, with bright red eyes and awe-inspiring hostility, making it particularly difficult to get close to.

Sheng Qianying was not frightened by Yeqi's eyes, the girl touched Yeqi's back tentatively, and said in a low voice, "Don't grab me, I'll bandage you."

Sheng Qianying picked up the black bird next to the stationery store. At that time, it fell unconscious on the ground, looking embarrassed.

Sheng Qianying's compassion arose on the spot, and she hid the black bird of unknown species in her schoolbag, and secretly brought it back to Sheng's house.

Sheng Qianying found a small basket, spread clean towels in it, put Yeqi in it, and took out the alcohol and bandages she bought on the roadside from her schoolbag.

Yeqi lay quietly in the basket without moving. He is very weak now, knowing that this strange human being in front of him has no malicious intentions and is really treating his own wounds, so he obediently let Sheng Qianying move.

This surprised Sheng Qianying, who was worried that he would hurt others, and quickened the movements of his subordinates.

The gauze soaked in water carefully wiped off the blood on the black bird's body. Immediately afterwards, the girl cut off the feathers stuck together with scissors, sprinkled medicinal powder on the wound, and wrapped Yeqi in a bandage.

"Okay." When you're done, Sheng Qianying puts her mind down a little, and she looks around the room: "I'll go get you something to eat, don't move around."

Sheng Qianying slipped to the kitchen and found a meal that was still warming on a small fire on the stove, apparently Aunt Zhou had left it for her.

Sheng Qianying didn't know if Yeqi would eat this, so she found some bread in the refrigerator and carried them upstairs together.

"Pa-ta." The door at the end of the corridor was suddenly opened.

Sheng Qianying was startled, she tightened her fingers holding the tray, and called out, "Sister."

Ji Ge leaned against the door and glanced at her: "What are you doing?"


The author has something to say: the C plane is almost the most popular, so the C plane will be added for the new year.

Don’t worry if you don’t find the little angels that you like. Since I think about the rough outline, I will definitely write about these planes, but I will write later.

 Thank you little angel Mo Xiaofei for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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