Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 366 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 366 Cat Cat Please Answer (22)

Ming Sha spent so much time in coming to S, of course not for fun.

"...Recently, there have been a few incidents of monsters hurting people around here, but the monsters who made trouble have not been caught," Mingsha said lazily, leaning on the handrail with her elbows: "We analyzed it after going through and came to a conclusion. Most likely hidden in S."

Ming Sha took advantage of the situation to look at Ji Ge, originally wanting to tell him to be more careful at school, but thinking of the big monster next to Ji Ge, she swallowed back what she wanted to say.

If we do meet, we still don't know whether Ji Ge or the other party is the unlucky one.

Ji Ge nodded, expressing his understanding, and asked curiously, "Is it hard to catch?"

"It's a bit troublesome." Mingsha didn't mean to hide anything, and told the whole thing: "It's a rabbit monster. Its strength has grown to the point of being quite difficult to deal with after killing, so it accidentally let it run away."

"Okay." After the matter was finished, Ming Sha stretched her waist and turned to look at her: "The lunch break is coming to an end, you should hurry back to the classroom."

Ji Ge's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't take this matter to heart.

There is no such plot in the original plot, so it means that this matter has little to do with her. Ji Ge feels that his luck...can't be memorized like this.

The results of this test soon reached Father Sheng.

The man's face was filled with joy visible to the naked eye, and he even ordered Aunt Zhou to prepare a table of dishes to celebrate.

On the contrary, Su Wanluo's smile was forced. She took a deep breath to suppress the uneasiness and anxiety in her heart.

How can it be?

It's only been a month, how can a person's grades improve so much.

If it wasn't for the self-proposed questions in S, and the fact that many of the answers in Ji Ge's test paper had different solutions from the standard answers, and the teacher didn't find the problem, Su Wanluo would even have suspected that Ji Ge was cheating.

What made Su Wanluo even more concerned was that her control over Sheng's father was weakening.

Ji Ge secretly used the medicine given by Mingsha on Sheng's father, because the doses taken each time were not large, so the effect was not obvious in a short period of time, but the effect could be seen after a long time.

Father Sheng is slowly getting rid of her bewitchment, which is not good news for Su Wanluo.

After all, Su Wanluo knew exactly what made her the wife of the Sheng family.

That's not a glorious means.

Su Wanluo lowered her head and stared at her well-maintained hand. After staring at it for a while, another picture appeared in her mind.

The cracked and rough palms that were frozen in winter——

The woman shivered violently.

No, she must never go back to the old days.

Su Wanluo maintained a smile on her face, her eyes fell on Father Sheng and Ji Ge who had a rare harmonious conversation across the dining table, she glanced over, looked at the bright and bright ceiling lamp above her head, and made up her mind.

In the afternoon of the next day, Ji Ge discovered something unusual.

The position of the locator she placed on Su Wanluo changed.

The girl smiled inexplicably, her peach blossom eyes curved in joy.

Su Wan felt anxious.

Hurry up, only when Su Wanluo makes a move can Ji Ge go smoothly and discover her secret.

It's still a self-study class now, but Ji Ge couldn't wait any longer. She packed up the things on the table, walked out through the back door calmly, and skipped class openly.

The main entrance is definitely not going out, but luckily Jige knows that there is a place at the back door where you can climb over the wall.

The girl stood on tiptoe, raised her hand and threw her schoolbag directly, and then put the kitten on the fence, and was about to support the fence with both hands. Just as she was about to pass, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind:

"Song of Sheng Ji?"

(End of this chapter)

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