Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 370 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 370 Cat Cat Please Answer (26)

"Miss Sheng," Ming Sha stood up, put the dead rabbit into a special bag, and coughed lightly: "Thank you for your help, we were able to catch this monster smoothly."

"It's okay." Ji Ge waved his hand, and didn't mean to take the opportunity to claim credit: "It's not me who contributed, but a monster that suddenly appeared. If you want to thank him, thank him."

To be honest, Ji Ge felt that he was only a background role, and the person who really killed the rabbit demon was Shang Heng.

In fact, thanking you is similar to thanking him.

Ming Sha secretly slandered in her heart.

"By the way," Ji Ge suddenly remembered something, and looked at the unconscious Qi Ye: "Mingsha, can I ask you to do me a favor."

Mingsha followed her gaze, raised her eyebrows, agreed without saying anything.

Since that day, Ji Ge discovered that Su Wanluo would run to that neighborhood every now and then, which made her even more convinced that there must be something strange in that neighborhood.


Tapping the table with her fingers, the girl listened to the teacher's lecture absently, lost in thought.

No monster she had seen so far, no matter how powerful or not, would not be reduced to living in such a dilapidated and remote place.

Take the wolf demon I saw for the first time as an example. According to Mingsha Science, he also pretended to be an elite of the human world and blended in before the incident was exposed. If it weren't for the uncontrollable killing nature, he is still living a life Well-dressed, comfortable and rich life.

Besides, even if that demon has no money, Su Wanluo is still rich.

So... Ji Ge thought about it.

There must be something wrong with that demon.

It was inconvenient for Ji Ge to keep an eye on him, so he hired people to ambush in the community, not approaching them deliberately, but just asking them to try their best to find out all the actions of Su Wanluo when he came here.

Su Wanluo's matter was temporarily unclear, Ji Ge put her aside first, and focused on more important matters.

Mr. Du's birthday is about to begin.

Fearing that the old man would be offended by her unrestrained red hair, Ji Ge went to the barber shop to dye her hair back.

It was inconvenient to bring Heng to the banquet, so Ji Ge could only temporarily leave the kitten at home, and repeatedly told him: "You wait for me in the room, I will be back soon."

In order to attend the banquet, the girl changed into a festive crimson dress today, with a lace-up design. Two fragile belts were wrapped around her snow-white neck, revealing her delicate collarbone.

The hem of the skirt is layered upon layers, like delicate gardenia petals, softly scattered beside the knees, revealing straight and slender calves.

Her black hair was all tied behind her head, and a headband of the same color was twisted into it. The peach blossom eyes were covered with eye shadow, and her rose-colored lipstick was bright and shiny under the light.

Under the bright light, the girl smiled brightly, like a rose that just bloomed in midsummer, piercing and seductive.

The kitten nodded obediently.

Since Ji Ge brought Shang Heng back, they rarely separated, so after Ji Ge left, Shang Heng lay on the bed bored, waiting for Ji Ge to come back.

Suddenly, its ears trembled, slowly got up, and looked out the window.

A huge black bird was flapping its wings, trying to fly into the room.

Yeqi had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Sheng Qianying guarded him every day, so Yeqi couldn't find a chance to deal with Jige.

And now, Sheng Qianying also went to Du's house to attend the banquet with Ji Ge, and she couldn't bring Ye Qi there, so she could only keep Ye Qi at home.

Scarlet and cruel light flashed in the bottom of the black bird's eyes.

Although Ji Ge is not there, there is no way to deal with her directly, but he can also teach Ji Ge a little lesson.

For example, the cat that ate Sheng Ji Ge's love as a treasure.

 Because the editor said that he applied for a recommendation for me, and he didn't want to waste it, so he added an extra chapter.

  Let's see if I can write at noon tomorrow.

  Good night, go to bed early.


(End of this chapter)

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