Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 382 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 382 Cat Cat Please Answer (38)

Ji Ge met Shang Sheng Qianying's gaze, but did not speak.

The expression in the peach blossom eyes is calm, and there is a bit of coolness when you look closely.

Just when Sheng Qianying thought she would not agree and was nervously thinking about how to persuade Ji Ge, the girl suddenly smiled and said softly, "Okay."

Sheng Qianying was startled.

The two passed through the noisy crowd, and didn't stop until the surroundings became quiet.

The afterglow of the setting sun meanders across the horizon, painting a layer of brilliant colors on the far and near scenery. The sea surface reflects the sparkling light, and the sunset glow has dispersed for most of the way. Magnificent glow.

The dusk is heavy, and the night of midsummer is always long overdue.

Sheng Qianying stopped, lowered her head, and twisted the corner of her clothes anxiously.

Ji Ge heard the girl ask in a low voice: "Sister, have you always disliked me?"

"I thought you were clear about this matter."

The straightforward declarative sentence was so straightforward that it almost embarrassed Sheng Qianying.

Ji Ge stared at her and smiled: "Who would like intruders?"

"Sorry," Sheng Qianying said incoherently, she didn't even know what she was talking about, she tried her best to hold back her tears, and murmured, "I didn't mean to..."

Before she finished speaking, Sheng Qianying suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing in front of her eyes, her eyes went dark, and she fell into a coma.


Ji Ge opened his eyes, did not say a word, and quietly faced his hostage.

Curled fingers slowly groped for the rope that bound her wrist. The kidnapper obviously didn't pay attention to the two hostages, and tied them carelessly.

Ji Ge moved his wrist and easily broke free from the rope.

There was still on the ankle, and she tore it apart three times, five times and two times, with simple and rough movements.

There was no one around, Ji Ge looked around, guessing that the kidnappers should go to send news to Ye Qi, so he stood up and moved his hands and feet.

Sheng Qianying next to her was still in a coma, and Ji Ge stared at her for a while with an unclear expression on her face.

For the original owner, this disaster was a complete and innocent disaster.

The man behind the scenes is Yeqi's enemy, a leopard demon.

He had long planned to attack Sheng Qianying, but he didn't have the right time, and this school trip made him feel that the opportunity had come.

Although the original owner didn't know about it, she and the male protagonist lived under the same roof, and her body was more or less contaminated with Yeqi's evil spirit.

In the original plot, it was precisely because of this that Ye Qi took advantage of it, causing the Leopard Demon to mistake the original owner for Sheng Qianying, and to bear all this for her by mistake.

Although Ye Qi was concerned that the original owner was Sheng Qianying's valued sister, and tried his best to save the original owner's life, but the original owner's face was also affected by the demon power of the leopard in the chaos, and his face was disfigured on the spot.

After waking up, the original owner went crazy. She gritted her teeth with hatred for Sheng Qianying and Ye Qi who made her become like this. She wanted to take revenge on them like crazy, but she lost her life because of it.

Poor and pathetic.

Ji Ge slowly recalled the original plot, squatted down to remove the rope from Sheng Qianying's body, and woke up the heroine: "Sheng Qianying, wake up."

The girl opened her eyes in a daze, but before she could react, she asked blankly, "Sister, where is this?"

"I don't know," Ji Ge replied briefly, "Don't worry about it, let's go back first."

Repay grievances with virtue.

Ji Ge thought to himself, he is really a good person.

The kind that radiates holy light from beginning to end.

Although going out now has a high probability of running into a leopard demon.

But what does this have to do with me?

The girl curled her lips, revealing a standard eight-teeth sweet smile.

 Thank you for the reward from the little angel Jiang Tian from my hometown
(End of this chapter)

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