Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 389 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 389 Cat Cat Please Answer (45)

There are now only three people at the Sheng family's dining table.

Regardless of Su Wanluo's obstruction, Sheng Qianying insisted on moving out of Sheng's house, the reason being that she wanted to go out to work as a summer job and experience life.

Ji Ge understands that Sheng Qianying has a heart knot with her and doesn't want to see her, but Su Wanluo feels that Ji Ge drove Sheng Qianying out, and the whole popularity is not good.

At the same time, it also strengthened her idea of ​​getting the Sheng family.

Even though the name of Mrs. Sheng's family is glorious, it is only glamorous on the outside, and the inside is just like paper, which can be broken with a poke.

Because Sheng's father currently only has Sheng Jige's biological daughter on the surface, everyone also acquiesces that she is the sure successor of the Sheng family. Compared with Mrs. Sheng, who has a shallow foundation like Su Wanluo, she is naturally more valuable to be wooed. .

Su Wanluo absent-mindedly stirred the chicken soup in the bowl with a spoon. Aunt Zhou carefully cooked the chicken soup all afternoon. The soup was thick and clear, and the taste was delicious. The smell made people's index fingers move.

However, smelling the aroma of chicken soup in the air, Su Wanluo's expression suddenly changed, she covered her mouth suddenly, left the table without saying a word, and rushed towards the bathroom.

Ji Ge put down his chopsticks, raised his eyebrows, bit the tip of the chopsticks and casually asked, "Is Aunt Su feeling unwell?"

"I don't know." Compared to the previous emphasis on Su Wanluo, Sheng's father's expression is now much more indifferent. The man's stern gaze fell on Ji Ge's face, looking at her facial features that are [-]% similar to his dead wife's. , looked a little softer, but the words he said were not warm: "She doesn't deserve Ji Ge's time and attention."

Ji Ge nodded in agreement.

Soon, the pale Su Wanluo returned to the dining table.

Sheng's father said indifferently, "Are you uncomfortable?"

For some reason, Father Sheng's affection for Su Wanluo has become more and more shallow these days. When he thinks back to himself who insisted on marrying Su Wanluo in spite of anyone's objections a year ago, he even finds it incredible.

Is that person really him, rather than being possessed by some ghost?

Su Wanluo took out a tissue and wiped her mouth, then said in a low voice, "I'm fine."

After all, she looked at Ji Ge with provocative eyebrows and smiled: "However, I do have something good to announce."

Combined with Su Wanluo's previous actions, Ji Ge's thoughts changed, and he immediately guessed what Su Wanluo was going to say, and couldn't help feeling a little pity in his heart.

That method, Su Wanluo may have thought it was a shortcut to help her achieve her goal, but in fact it was a stinking move to hasten her death.

And Ji Ge watched her go to destruction with cold eyes, but didn't intend to remind her, just raised the corners of her lips.

Su Wanluo didn't notice Ji Ge's disobedience, and looked at Sheng's father affectionately: "A Yue, there is a happy event that I have been keeping from you before, just to surprise you."

The woman's hand was gently placed on her lower abdomen, and a look of sincere joy appeared on her pretty face: "We have a baby."


Like the eve of the arrival of a storm, the strong wind hangs layers of waves, waves and tides, and the air pressure is surprisingly low.

This scene was a little different from what she had imagined, Su Wanluo moved her lips uneasily, and held her breath nervously.

After a long time, she heard Father Sheng ask in an unclear manner: "Child?"

Instead of being ecstatic, Su Wanluo temporarily attributed him to Sheng's father being too happy, but he didn't realize it for a while, and repeated it with a smile: "Yes, we have a child."

With a "ding", the chopsticks rested on the bowl and made a soft sound.

Ji Ge looked up at Su Wanluo, and said softly, "Aunt Su, there is something you might not know?"

Not getting the response she wanted, Su Wanluo felt impetuous in her heart, but she still had to pretend to laugh: "What's the matter?"

"The year my mother passed away, my father went to the hospital for an operation. He will only have me as a child in his life."

In the suffocating silence, the girl asked gently: "Then how did that child in your stomach come about?"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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