Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 396 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 396 Cat Cat Please Answer (52)

The next moment, time returned to normal.

Ji Ge walked into the room, and what he saw was the same Shang Heng as usual.

But it seems that everything is fine, but Ji Ge still has a lingering sense of weirdness in his heart.

Ji Ge thought for a while, and still chose to call the system: "Did you find anything wrong?"

"No." The system said firmly, "I didn't find any problems."

is it?

Ji Ge slightly raised his eyebrows.

Before Ji Ge could think deeply, the system spoke cheerfully, interrupting her train of thought: "Host, I have good news for you, I have upgraded."

"Then do you have any new functions after the upgrade?" Ji Ge asked casually.

"..." The system was silent for a while, and forcibly turned back the respect: "I won't have to sleep in the next plane, and I can chat with you when the host is bored."


Ji Ge: "Go away."

Another summer is here.

The college entrance examination ended as scheduled.

In the previous plane, she had already won the first place in the college entrance examination, so the plane of Ji Ge chose to keep a low profile, and accepted the early enrollment of A University together with Shang Heng.

The summer is scorching hot, Father Sheng is busy with a big business these days, and has not been home for more than ten days.

Ji Ge hadn't forgotten what Heng had promised himself before, and reminded: "You promised to touch my ears, but you can't go back on your word."

"Well," Shang Heng hooked his lips: "Just don't regret it later."

Ji Ge: "?"

Before Ji Ge could react to what Shang Heng meant, a pair of snow-white and soft cat ears appeared in front of him.

The fluff is soft and white, like new snow, they are slightly puffed up, and the light flesh color inside can be vaguely seen, which is born in the black hair, making it look a little more soft and cute.

It looks very rua.

Ji Ge's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand impatiently.

Shang Heng was much taller than Ji Ge, so he squatted down halfway to cooperate with Ji Ge's movements.

The girl's hand landed on the cat's ear accurately.

The cat's ears trembled a few times, as if frightened.

The girl's fingers were delicate and warm, brushing over the cat's ear. There are many tiny blood vessels on the cat's ear, which has always been the most sensitive place for cats.

As far as Baihu is concerned, it is similar.

Shang Heng could feel the breath of the person in front of him, she was completely distracted by the pair of cat ears, and she didn't realize that almost her whole body fell into his arms.

Touching cat ears by others is not the same as touching yourself.

For monsters, only their partners are allowed to touch such a secret place.

The young man bit his lip slightly, because of Ji Ge's closeness, his cheeks couldn't help showing a bit of blush, which was very obvious on his fair skin, and he couldn't hide it at all.

The feel of the cat's ears was better than she had imagined, Ji Ge was addicted to it, and before he had played enough, his wrist was suddenly grabbed.

"What's wrong?" Ji Ge, who was not enjoying himself, asked blankly.

The young man panted lightly, and held her fingers very hard, but he was afraid of hurting her, so he quickly eased the pressure, and slowly rubbed the inside of the young girl's wrist with his fingertips.

Humber's pupils were a little sparkling, and she stared at the girl in front of her without blinking.

Ji Ge didn't know why, but he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Something wrapped around her waist, Ji Ge lowered her head, and saw a beautiful snow-white cat tail, hooking her waist.

"Would you like to touch Ji Ge's tail?" Shang Heng's tone was normal.

However, Ji Ge's scalp became numb when he heard it, and he said with a dry smile: "No more."

The girl wanted to run away: "I think it's almost enough to get here today, or I will touch it next time."

Shang Heng didn't listen to her.

The cat's tail became tighter and tighter, and the boy said casually: "It's not too late, let's discuss it carefully, what does the cat's ear feel like when you touch it."

Ji Ge: ...I don't want to discuss QAQ at all
However, her opinion has no effect.

Shang Heng played Ji Ge and discussed in the room for a whole afternoon.

Ji Ge finally understood why Shang Heng waited until she finished the college entrance examination before touching her ears.

Completely enlightened, repented of past mistakes.

Ji Ge didn't want to talk at all in the end, pulled the quilt over his head in shame and anger, and said sullenly: "You go out."

The young man smiled lowly, pulled back the quilt, and the snow-white cat's tail wrapped around her calf again: "Do you want to touch the tail?"

The touch of the tail is obviously better than that of the cat's ears, Ji Ge gave in spinelessly: "Yes."


The author has something to say: This plane must be finished tomorrow, otherwise it will affect my new year’s update plan
I really don't want to try Riwan, I can't finish writing

Put down the character design of the next plane: black-hearted sweet girl stuffed with sesame seeds VS cold-hearted male god, try different types of CP
 add more

(End of this chapter)

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