Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 402 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 402 Will You Raise Me (4)

Ji Ge arranged the things in his suitcase one by one. Qiao Man calculated, recorded all the things that needed to be added in the memo, and went downstairs slowly with Qiao Man.

In such a short time, everyone has come, including the coach and Kaka who is said to be hiding in the quilt and crying.

"Qiao Man," the coach was looking down at the data, and waved to Qiao Man without raising his head when he heard the footsteps: "Come here and see how your results from a few days of training are going?"

"Coach," Qiao Man didn't expect this, and pursed his thin lips slightly: "But I still want to take Qiao Qiao to buy something."

"Let someone else take her to buy it," the coach replied without much hesitation, "People in our team will never sell your sister."

"Me, me, me." Glue actively raised his hand, trying to let the coach and Qiao Man see his sincerity.

The coach sneered and pressed the glue that was about to move: "Look at what you have been playing recently, and you still want to find a chance to go out for a while, so take a good rest."

Under the coach's ruthless suppression, Glue quickly withered.

"You can't," the coach made a final decision, his eyes glanced around, and fell on Xuan Yun who hadn't said a word: "Xuan Yun, can you take your sister out to buy something?"

Caught off guard by being named, Xuan Yun subconsciously glanced at Qiao Man.

Qiao Man nodded to him.

If he had to pick one of his unreliable teammates, Sun Yoon was at least much more reliable than those three guys.


In midsummer, the sun is shining brightly, and the light gold is like a waterfall.

Ji Ge had the foresight to bring a parasol before going out, and opened it at this moment, raising it with some effort, trying to support the two people.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Yun didn't appreciate her kindness, and walked quickly with his long legs.

Ji Ge's wrists were sore, and he had to trot to keep up with the boy's footsteps.

Sensing the resentful gaze behind him, Xuan Yun remembered that he was not going out alone, stopped, waited until Ji Ge came to him, took the parasol from her hand, "Let me support it."

Ji Ge did not refuse, "Thank you brother."

The voice is waxy and soft, and the appearance is quite well-behaved and innocent.

Xuan Yun glanced at her, then slowed down his pace to match the rhythm of Jige.

The shopping mall is not far from the base, Xuan Yun flipped through the list Qiao Man sent him, and bought everything one by one.

Qiao Man transferred a sum of money to Xuan Yun, far exceeding the total amount of the purchases, and then he added a sentence, please take Ji Ge around the mall.


Is he a nanny?Why let him take care of the children one or two.

The young man paused with his fingertips, transferred the money back, and replied with a good word.

"Qiao Qiao," Xuan Yun lowered his head to look at Ji Ge beside him, not quite knowing how to greet a girl of this age, he asked cautiously, "Where do you want to go?"

Ji Ge rolled his eyes, "Can it be anywhere?"

Xuan Yun nodded.

Then Ji Ge dragged him to the milk tea shop.

It's summer vacation now, there are many people in the shopping mall, and the milk tea shop is even more crowded. The tall and long-legged boy mixed with a bunch of girls is quite eye-catching.

Ji Ge has already heard many people nearby talking about him.

Xuan Yun was already familiar with this kind of scrutinizing gaze, and his expression remained unchanged.

After placing an order for milk tea, Xuan Yun still had to wait. Afraid that Ji Ge would be bored waiting, Xuan Yun happened to see a nearby claw machine, and led her to the claw machine.

The brilliantly flickering lights shone on the boy's overly beautiful face, and the light and shadow were mottled and broken. He dropped a few coins and pressed the button neatly.

The mechanical arm moved staggeringly, dangling back and forth above the neat rows of dolls.

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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