Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 407 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 407 Will You Raise Me (9)

When Ji Ge woke up the next day, his mind was still full of sadomasochism.

Of course, sadomasochism is allowed, and it has nothing to do with her.

Chaohua's sisters are all talents, and they made up a hundred and eighty nonsense reasons for Xuan Yun's singleness, which is enough to make an [-]-episode TV series.

Ji Ge went downstairs briskly.

The meandering and brilliant sunlight spilled from the window, spreading bright colors, and outlining a large fragmented light gray shadow on the floor.

? !
Ji Ge supported the armrest and rubbed his eyes, a little surprised.

The living room on the first floor was empty, and there was no one there.

Did she miscalculate the wake-up time of the pro players? !
Ji Ge recalled the HP official blog that he had read before, and it seemed that it said that the members of the HP team had different schedules.

At that time, the fans seemed to have a row of distressed fans below, and the team was neat and tidy.

Ji Ge slowly sat on the sofa, hugging the pillow next to him.

I didn't eat breakfast, I was a little hungry.

But don't want to move.

Ji Ge, who was suffering from lazy cancer, complied with his own inner thoughts, being lazy and justifiable.

After posting for a while, Ji Ge secretly took out the phone again and found the post she read yesterday.

It was time to go to bed after watching half of it yesterday. I couldn’t control the itching of Jige who didn’t know the plot behind it, so I clicked in again, with my fingertips hanging on the screen. Location.

The little sister who wrote the knife is very good in writing. Although the plot is full of blood, clichés and misunderstandings prevent her from taking turns to play, but people who watch it can't stop.

Ji Ge unconsciously saw God.

When Xuan Yun went downstairs, he saw the little girl sitting on the sofa neatly.

She hugged the blue and white striped pillow and looked at the mobile phone in front of her intently.

The uncombed hair curled up a little stubbornly, stretching out from the top of her head, crooked like the villain's hair in anime, making a face more delicate and delicate, and the thick long eyelashes were covered with glossy powder. The grains fall gently, like stars, held by those clear black and white deer eyes, with some milky baby fat on the cheeks, red lips and white teeth, like a delicate doll placed in the window.

They are not used to a well-behaved kid suddenly appearing in the same base as the Monk Temple.

Xuan Yun calmed down, walked over, and said in a low voice, "What are you looking at?"

Ji Ge raised her head in horror, her hands trembled, and the phone fell to the ground with a bang, but now she can't care about the phone, and only has one thought in her mind.

——Did Sun Yoon see what was on the screen? !

If you saw it, it would be too terrible.

"..." Is he that scary?

With such doubts in mind, the boy bent down, originally wanting to be kind and happy to help others, but he didn't want the girl's reaction to be surprisingly quick, so he quickly picked up the phone and turned off the screen.

"Brother," Ji Ge looked into Shang Xuan Yun's beautiful black eyes, his expression was as natural as possible, "You're up."

She simply has no money here, 300 taels, with heart written on her left cheek, and emptiness written on her right cheek.

"Well," Xuan Yun glanced at Ji Ge who was behaving strangely, and didn't go into it, but suddenly thought of an important question, "Have you had breakfast?"

Ji Ge honestly shook his head.

Qiao Man is really unreliable, Xuan Yun rubbed the center of his brows, "It's easy for children to not grow taller if they don't eat breakfast."

The boy sighed, and said in a helpless tone, "I'll do it for you."

"Thank you brother," the girl bent her eyes, eating and drinking very consciously, and asked eagerly, "Do you need my help?"

 ten watch

(End of this chapter)

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