Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 412 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 412 Will You Raise Me (14)

Ji Ge and Xuan Yun didn't have a stalemate for too long, Qiao Man came out soon, and the conversation came to an end regrettably.

Ji Ge's toffee naturally disappeared, and Xuan Yun didn't bring up this topic again as if he had lost his memory, which made the girl worry about it.

The next few days were still competitions, and Ji Ge kept playing every game, sitting in the front row every time and watching them play games, but she was dazzled by the operations of the top players, even with the commentator's explanation, she was even more dizzy.

Fortunately, such days did not take long to end.

The opponents in the finals looked familiar, but Ji Ge didn't have much impression. Ji Ge didn't remember until seeing the female players among them. Isn't this the girl I met at the dinner that day?

They were strong, but still a bit worse than HP, so it was finally declared that they won without much suspense.

There was a handshake after the game.

Xuan Yun has a slight obsession with cleanliness and has never participated in such activities. Most people in the circle know his habit, but they don't force it.

"Congratulations, you guys won." The girl looked at the cold young man opposite, suppressing the disappointment in her heart, and said with a smile.

"Thank you." The boy nodded lightly with the same politeness and distance from the beginning to the end.

The girl lowered her head in frustration. She had worked so hard for so long, but she still couldn't get close to him. It was really frustrating and helpless.

In the end, she still couldn't help it, and with the last glimmer of hope, she cautiously probed, "Xuan Yun, is that little girl from before really your child bride?"

When asked this question suddenly, the young man was taken aback, his dark eyes flashed a slight smile, he didn't answer, but he didn't deny it either.

The girl's face was pale, and as a person who had a crush on Xuan Yun, she was naturally very sensitive to the changes in the expression of the person she liked.

Even if that little girl is not Xuan Yun's child bride, she must be a very special existence to him.

But isn't it too much for a minor, and the behavior of a teenager is too much punishment.

"What daughter-in-law?" Qiao Man just heard the end, turned his head and asked curiously.

The curvature of the boy's lips was well restrained, and he replied lightly, "It's nothing."

After the game, the coach waved his hand and gave the HP team two days off.

During the rare rest time, Qiao Man felt that Ji Ge would be bored staying in the base all the time, so he deliberately took her out for a day to go shopping.

Along with Ji Ge's little friend Zhou Mingyu.

Qiao Jige and Zhou Mingyu have known each other since childhood and have always had a good relationship, so Qiao Man is no stranger to Zhou Mingyu.

Zhou Mingyu bit the cone in his hand, and whispered to Ji Ge intimately, "Brother Qiao Man is too kind to you, I really want such a brother."

"Auntie Zhou couldn't make it anymore," Ji Ge rolled his eyes and teased, "You can make a wish for a younger brother."

"Forget it then." Zhou Mingyu, who had seen how the younger brother of a relative's house was demolished, respectfully thanked Bumin.

In the second half of the journey, Qiao Man received a call, and his expression became more serious. After hanging up the phone, he immediately walked to Ji Ge, "Qiao Qiao, Dad just asked me to deal with some urgent matters. You stay here first, and someone will come to pick you up later." yours."

"Okay," Ji Ge's thoughts were all on the unfinished game in his hands, absent-minded, "Don't worry, brother, I won't wander around."

Qiao Man asked Ji Ge to say it again before leaving.

Ji Ge didn't expect that the person Qiao Man was talking about coming to pick her up would be Xuan Yun.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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