Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 418 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 418 Will You Raise Me (20)

In front is a simple little house, which is specially used by gardeners to store tools.

It just so happened that at this time there was a sudden sound, which suddenly sounded in the quiet and almost stagnant night.

The atmosphere of terror is simply full.

Zhou Mingyu trembled again in fright, and was about to run away.

But suddenly, the girl sharply pricked up her ears and asked hesitantly, "Qiao Qiao, did you hear someone calling for help?"

The thin boy leaned against the locked door panting, and was locked up for a long time. His throat was already hoarse from shouting, and his stomach, which had not eaten for a long time, was already rumbling.

He heard the voices of two girls talking outside.

The one in front was slightly crisp, and hesitantly said, "Qiao Qiao, should we go and have a look at the front?"

"Ghost movies all start like this," said the female voice in the back, soft and sweet, very recognizable, like an innocent little princess, "Guess what happened to them in the back?"

Zhou Mingyu's eyes widened, "Qiao Qiao, don't scare me."

"Then look," the female voice said faintly, "what is behind you."

After a short scream, Huo Wang heard the sweet laughter of the little princess's successful prank, "Okay, Mingyu, there is nothing in front, if there is really anything, the waiter should have checked it in advance."

Huo Wang really wanted them to help open the door, so he patted on the door vigorously.

The sound he deliberately made was drowned in the girl's voice, "Let's go, we've been out for long enough, it's time to go back."

"But Qiao Qiao..." Zhou Mingyu hesitated to speak.

"If someone is really unlucky, it is God's will."

Casual tone, do not care.

Huo Wang didn't have clairvoyant eyes, so he couldn't see the expression on Ji Ge's face, but he could also imagine that the eldest lady's expression at this moment must be arrogant and contemptuous.

Hypocrisy and bad.

Such a little princess who was raised in a glass jar and grew up surrounded by stars, she must look down on people like him.

The sound of footsteps drifted away.

The stench of the soil filled the surrounding space, Huo Hua grabbed the weeds underneath with his fingers, and laughed softly.

It is a pity for Ji Ge that Huo Wang was released in the end, changed into clean clothes, and followed Huo's father in a well-dressed manner.

Dressed up as a wolf, put on a majestic sheepskin, it looks really cowardly and innocent.

Tsk tsk, the acting is really good.

Father Huo led Huo Wang over to meet people, he laughed heartily, "Long time no see, Mr. Qiao is still as energetic as ever."

The polite words on Vanity Fair, the old fritters who hang out here are not familiar with the road, Qiao's father smiled slightly, "Where is it, Mr. Huo is also full of energy."

After a polite scene, Huo's father cut to the point, "This is Huo Wang, the child, I just picked it up."

"The young man has the demeanor of Mr. Huo when he was young," Qiao's father continued, "it will definitely be a big deal when he grows up."

Father Huo was very pleased with his words, the expression on his face eased a lot, he looked at Ji Ge, "Is this Ling Qianjin?"

Father Qiao nodded, "Qiao Qiao, say hello to your Uncle Huo."


Almost as soon as Ji Ge opened his mouth, Huo Wang recognized her. He fixedly looked at the beautiful girl with red lips and white teeth in front of him, with an unpredictable expression.

The little girl in front of her is not very old, but she is extremely delicate, with slightly curly long hair hanging down, covering her slender and fragile back, with a peach heart face, deer eyes, round eyes are dark and clear, her lips are pink and moist, and her skin is milky white , looks like a doll, innocent and well-behaved.

However, Huo Wang still remembered her cold and heartless sentence "That is God's will."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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