Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 432 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 432 Will You Raise Me (34)

Ji Ge had a premonition, jumped out of the bed barefoot, and ran to the window quickly, attracting a puzzled question from the girl who lived with her, "Qiao Qiao, why are you in such a hurry?"

Ji Ge didn't answer, but lowered his head and looked down.

The room they live in is on the third floor, and the light at night is not very bright, but you can still see the slender figure standing below, tall and tall.

He seemed to notice her and looked up.

Ji Ge was slightly suffocated, turned around and changed his clothes, and put on his shoes by the way, "Yingying, my boyfriend is here, I'll go out for a while."

"I see," the girl understood, and urged, "Remember to come back in time, and don't forget to bring the key."


Ji Ge nodded obediently, and ran down briskly.

"elder brother."

The slender figure rushed into the young man's arms and was hugged by him.

"Long time no see," Ji Ge let go of Xuan Yun, and said with a smile on his face, "I miss you."

"It's been a long time," Xuan Yun calculated the ledger, and said quietly, "A certain little heartless guy almost forgot that he still has a boyfriend."

Ji Ge: ...This script is wrong, as the saying goes, if you don't see each other every day, it's like three autumns. How many autumns have passed since they haven't seen each other. Shouldn't they have a friendly meeting and talk now?
Ji Ge was silent, trying to change the subject, "Brother, why did you come here suddenly, where do you live?"

"To see you." Xuan Yun glanced around and reminded, "Do you like to stand here and talk?"

This is okay, Qiao Man is still in the hotel, if he sees it, it will be over.

Ji Ge made a decision in his mind, "Let's talk in another place."

In the end, the two sat in a 24-hour convenience store.

"How does brother know where I live?" Ji Ge asked curiously.

"There are photos and information in Qiao Man's circle of friends."

The declaration is concise and to the point.

After learning that Xuan Yun lived not far from their hotel and had no intention of meeting his good brother Qiao Man, Ji Ge decided that the two of them would hang out here before going back, so they couldn't waste time.

Air tickets are not cheap, so you can't come here for nothing.

Xuan Yun was very cooperative, "Let's go."

The streets are still lively at night. This is a well-known tourist check-in city, with tourists flocking in an endless stream. Oriental faces with black hair and yellow skin are not uncommon.

However, Ji Ge and Xuan Yun are still very conspicuous in the crowd. They are too beautiful. The good-looking couple walked aimlessly on the street, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Ji Ge had already visited in the afternoon, and now she took Xuan Yun to visit again. The girl introduced interesting places worth visiting to her boyfriend in a familiar tone. Xuan Yun listened cooperatively and occasionally interjected a word or two.

The time on the phone indicated eleven o'clock.

Xuan Yun sent Ji Ge back to the hotel, the girl walked a few steps forward, suddenly turned around, trotted forward and kissed him, "Good night, brother."

"Joe Jige."

A terrifying voice sounded not far away.

Ji Ge froze and turned around slowly.

Is she hallucinating? Why does this voice sound so similar to Qiao Man?

But it wasn't an illusion. The tall man stood expressionlessly in the shadow of the hotel entrance, watching them, and he didn't know how much he saw.

"Qiao Jige, come here."

This was the first time Qiao Man called her by her full name in so many years.

Ji Ge felt as if he was going to die.

Seeing that the girl was still not moving, Qiao Man emphasized, "Come here!"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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