Chapter 454 The Queen Will Never Give Up (1)

The sky is getting brighter, and the clear morning light meanders through the streets and alleys.

Early-rising traders started to open their businesses, and the heavy gates of the city were slowly opened. The people who entered the city early lined up in front of the gate, and the guards checked them one by one before letting them go.

Suddenly there were exclamations from both sides of the street, and the noisy footsteps were suppressed and replaced by heavy steps.

The majestic soldiers in black armor and iron clothes opened the way, and the female officer standing in the front behaved dignifiedly, leading the people to the city gate, and greeted them with all their sleeves.

"Aunt Lian'an," the guard guarding the gate obviously knew the lady officer, and greeted him with a smile, "what wind brought you here?"

Lian An's expression was reserved: "Lian An was ordered by His Majesty to come here specially to welcome the Fourth Imperial Daughter back to Beijing."

That little devil is coming back? !

The guards exchanged glances, retreated respectfully, and returned to their posts.

The sun moves up a little bit.

The sound of horseshoes, gradually approaching.

The figure gradually became clear.

The most conspicuous one is the leading girl, a black horse in a red dress, with a radiant complexion and a romantic and freehand style.

The girl reined in the horse just in time before hitting the city gate. Although she was full of dust and dust, she did not lose any of her demeanor, and said lazily, "Aunt Lian'an, did the emperor call you here?"

The ending of the girl's voice rose slightly, with a sloppy tone.

"Your Highness is back." In front of the four emperors who are loved by the empress, Lian An is not stingy with her kindness, "Your Majesty has always been thinking about His Highness, so when he received the news of His Highness's return to the capital, he sent his servants to come to the city early in the morning." Wait for His Majesty at the door."

"Your Highness, please enter the palace with your slaves."

Lian'an bowed her head in a humble posture.

Ji Ge lazily let out a sigh, and wrapped his fingers around the reins, "Wait, I'll go back home and change my clothes before entering the palace."

"Listen to the night," Ji Ge turned to look at the maid behind him, raised his whip, "go back to the house."

The maid smiled slightly, "Understood, Your Highness."

It wasn't until the group of people left that the people who were frightened by the power dared to speak.

"Who was that girl just now? The momentum is really amazing."

"You don't even know this, she's new to Bianjing, right? She's the fourth princess, the most annoying person in Bianjing."

The people in Bianjing City have more or less heard of the rumors of the four princesses. She is the only princess under Fengjun's knees. walk sideways.

Of course, the princess is famous not because of her status, but because news of the princess getting into trouble can be heard every now and then on the street.

The four emperors are domineering and domineering, often wandering around the capital with a group of cronies, fighting and drinking flowers and wine, it is really a big disaster in Bianjing, but the empress protects her, no matter how generous the censor makes a speech, the empress pretends to be blind , wholeheartedly favoring the Fourth Imperial Daughter.

But this time, because of some trouble, the fourth princess just found a reason to leave the capital to seek refuge, which made it rare for the capital to be stable for more than ten days.

Ji Ge returned to the imperial concubine's mansion, took a comfortable bath, changed her clothes and went into the palace to meet the empress.

The empress had been waiting for her in Chaoyang Palace long ago, looked up at the girl who was brought in by the maid, and put down the brush in her hand, "Little Si, come here."

Ji Ge lowered his eyebrows and was pleasing to the eye, taking the obedient posture of admitting his mistake.

She looks like this every time she gets into trouble, the empress has become accustomed to it, she calmly flipped through the memorials, found a few and threw them to Ji Ge, "Look, this is the book for playing the solitary goddaughter, this is the book I'm afraid of your bullying book."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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