Chapter 458 The Queen Will Never Give Up (5)

Xiao Shangshu suddenly raised his head, the hairs all over his body exploded, staring at Ji Ge closely.

"I don't understand what Your Highness is talking about." Xiao Shangshu calmed down, "No one in Bianjing City knows that Yin Zhi died on the guillotine seven years ago with the Yin family."

"Your Majesty personally issued an order, Your Highness, don't you remember?"

Xiao Shangshu has sent out all the maids in the study in advance, leaving only her and Ji Ge to have a cordial and friendly conversation.

Xiao Shangshu didn't miss any subtle expression changes on Ji Ge's face, and the speed of his speech became faster and faster, as if he was persuading Ji Ge, or telling her himself.

"is it?"

Ji Ge smiled indifferently.

"It's getting late now," Xiao Shangshu got up, impatiently wanting to drive away, "His Royal Highness should also return home."

Ji Ge raised the corners of her lips little by little, stood up and turned her head, her skirt was swaying, "Please tell Yin Zhi, Xiao Shangshu, for me, have you really forgotten the grievances of the 37 members of Yin's family?"

There is a screen in the study that is incompatible with the overall layout. The sky is blue and misty, and the water is beautiful and elegant.

"Your Majesty's ignorance of people has caused Yin's family to be ruined."

Ji Ge calmly said these outrageous words, which made Xiao Shangshu really want to draw his sword and drive this stupid boy out of the house.

But before she had time to act, she heard Ji Ge slamming every word, loudly:

"If Miss Yin is willing to help me, after the matter is completed, she will reverse the case for the Yin family and treat her as a national teacher."

"At noon in three days' time, I will be waiting for Miss Yin's arrival in the furrow room of Tianxiang Restaurant."

Afraid that Xiao Shangshu couldn't help but make a move, Ji Ge consciously ran away with her skirt in hand after speaking, "I'm going out by myself, so I don't need Xiao Shangshu to send it to me."

The study was silent for a moment.

"An Zhi," Xiao Shangshu said after a moment of silence, "what are you thinking?"

The screen was pushed away, revealing a slender figure hidden behind it, with a slender figure, she was sitting on the beauty couch, her eyebrows were pale and delicate, "I was thinking about what this little Highness said."

"To rectify the name of the Yin family, to be a national teacher," Yin Zhi sighed, "it's really a tempting condition."

"That little highness probably knows that I am here, and these words are also said to me on purpose by the little highness."

Yin Zhi praised: "It's really smart."

"Anzhi," Xiao Shangshu was a little anxious, "You can't..."

"Don't think about it," the woman smiled slightly as she pressed her index finger against her lips, "Your Highness is not as stupid as others imagine."

"But didn't you say that the empress is wary of the Xie family, and that it is absolutely impossible for the fourth emperor to ascend the throne with the blood of the Xie family?"

"This is fun," Yin Zhi lowered his head again, flipping through the pages of the book unhurriedly, letting Xiao Shangshu run around like ants in a hot pot, "Shangshang, I want to gamble."

"The Yin family shouldn't be carrying the stigma all the time."

Xiao Shangshu knew that he would not be able to convince his friends, but would be persuaded by Yin Zhi instead, "But you are the only blood left in the Yin family, Anzhi, don't be impulsive."

"But what's the point of being alive," Yin Zhi tilted his head, resting his fingers on the hem of his clothes, calmly, "I can't stand up anyway, and I can't justly avenge the Yin family, so why not try a more interesting way .”

A soft smile floated on the lips of the sickly woman, and she said firmly: "I think this little Highness who has deceived the world by keeping a low profile will not let me down."

The silent song, which was mentioned repeatedly, sneezed.

Ji Ge returned to the imperial concubine's mansion, there was nothing to do for the time being, and he was a little bored.

"Your Highness," Ting Wan followed Ji Ge's previous habit to make a very feasible suggestion, "If there is nothing wrong, why don't you summon Mr. Mo Yu and the others to pass the time."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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