Chapter 462 The Queen Will Never Give Up (9)

Exactly as Ji Ge expected, when she went to court the next day, she listened to Yushi's long speeches throughout the whole process.

There is only one central idea, that is, the fourth princess is too absurd, and she would go to that kind of unruly place during the day, which would damage the majesty of the royal family.

It’s not easy for the censors now, all the officials are afraid of being targeted by them, even if they go to any fireworks place, they will go sneakily in disguise, let alone the imperial daughter, after all, most imperial daughters are interested in that position, in order to maintain their image , and would not go to a place like Qin Lou Chu Pavilion openly.

The only maverick fourth princess became a target.

Ji Ge was standing very close to the empress, seeing the saliva almost flying on the empress's face, she moved back calmly, her expression seemed cold and indifferent, but under the mask was full of chatterers Pain and despair.

Jige moved his eyes, pretending not to notice.

"Little Four," the Empress said with relief after Yu Shi finished speaking, "What can you say?"

Ji Ge, who was named, took a step forward, with a smile on his face, and said leisurely, "Qin Yushi is too strict with me. I just drank some wine yesterday, so it doesn't need to be so serious. .”

"Besides," Ji Ge scolded himself without changing his face, "I am addicted to drinking and sex, and I am ridiculous. Everyone knows this. Since Yushi already knows my temperament, why bother to hold on to this point. "

"Qin Yushi, you need to be generous."

"..." She is really angry now.

The hall was quiet.

Suddenly someone laughed, the laughter was small but clear.

Ji Ge looked left and right, awed by that early bird.

"The Fourth Highness is still young, with a child's mentality," the woman came out. She was wearing an official uniform in a loose and loose manner. The collar was unruly and partly scattered, revealing a slender and delicate neck with a straight and smooth curve.

Her voice is a little hoarse, but it is not unpleasant, and her speech is soothing, which makes people feel comfortable.

"Your Majesty might as well spare His Highness Fourth Highness this time, she must have realized her mistake."

Ji Ge went down the steps in a hurry, and said sincerely, "Yes, I have realized my mistake."

"Qin Yushi," she smiled at her, "you have to forgive others and forgive others."

Qin Yushi turned blue from being choked by her.

A smile flashed in the woman's eyes, "What does Your Majesty think?"

The empress breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's just follow what the prime minister said."

After the court, Ji Ge was left alone by the empress, and she reprimanded her a few times.

To be honest, the empress wished that the more absurd Ji Ge was, the better, and the worse she was, the easier it would be for the empress to appoint the eldest princess as the princess in the future.

But now the empress is still a good mother empress who loves her daughter-in-law in the eyes of the courtiers, so naturally she can't let Ji Ge act willfully, even if she just put on a show, she has to come out and scold her a few words.

In the end, the empress sighed, "It will be fine when you get married."

Ji Ge's eyebrows twitched, "Emperor Mother, I don't want to get married yet, don't delay the young master of the Qingyang Hou Mansion, this marriage should be withdrawn."

"What are you thinking?" the empress laughed, "I've been engaged for two or three years, now what about the reputation of the young man who has retired, and besides, she is also a well-known beauty, so I don't deserve you."

Ji Ge didn't speak.

The empress didn't know what to think of, "You don't think about the child in Shen Shilang's house, do you?"

"Xiaosi, he has already entered the boss's residence, listen to the empress' advice, don't think about people anymore."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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