Chapter 468 The Queen Will Never Give Up (15)

It's not hard to guess Jing Yao's mind, Ji Ge figured out the young man's plan almost immediately.

She is a little funny.

Bu Jige has experienced many battles, and she has never seen any kind of man. There are many gentle and considerate beauties in her backyard, all of whom are better than Jing Xun in acting skills. They are dressed in white lotus and green tea. With multiple planes, the appearance of each strategy target is first-class and better, but now the scenery is not up to standard.

However, Jing Li's breath beside him became a little unstable. Are there still conflicts between them?

Ji Ge guessed.

"I've never heard that Marquis Qingyang has a second son," Ji Ge said indifferently, "So Ah Li has a younger brother?"

The meaning of what she said was not difficult to understand, Jing Yao's face turned red all of a sudden, he was pampered by the Marquis of Qingyang like a treasure, although he was only a concubine, he had never experienced such embarrassment.

Qing Yanghou understood Ji Ge's words, and opened his eyes to speak nonsense, "Ah Long is A Li's concubine brother, and the two brothers have a good relationship."

Ji Ge snorted, she was not interested in Jing Huang, and didn't pay attention to his reaction, so she nodded to Qing Yanghou, "I'll go first."

Suddenly remembered something, the girl called out: "A Li?"

Jing Li looked up blankly.

A jade pendant fell lightly into his palm.

"I'm giving it to you. If there is another guy who doesn't have long eyes and dares to bump into it, you can show the jade pendant."

Ji Ge left a sentence and got into the carriage without looking back.

The whole body of the jade pendant was bright red, as if it was dripping with light blood. The jade color was crystal clear and transparent without any blemishes. It was carved into a vivid four-clawed golden dragon. Jing Li recognized that this was the one that Ji Ge was playing with on the carriage. A piece of jade pendant.

"Since it was given to you by His Highness, then you can keep it, Ah Li." Qingyang Hou knew the goods, although he didn't know the origin of the jade pendant that Ji Ge gave Jing Li, but he knew it was extraordinary at a glance. Not to mention the aggrieved youngest son, his attitude towards Jing Li is unprecedentedly kind.

Jing Li put away the jade pendant: "I see."

The fifth emperor thought that the incident of her blocking Jingli in the bookstore would be the end of the story, but she didn't expect that it was just the beginning.

First, after the Empress learned about this, she immediately called her over to reprimand her, and then her father and concubine asked her to apologize to Ji Ge.

The fifth emperor refused to accept: "I have already apologized to the fourth emperor, why do I still have to go?"

"Shut up," Concubine Ming glanced at the daughter who caused him trouble all day long, "The Xie family has already set their sights on our family, do you want Yu Shizuo to scold me for being incompetent?"

The fifth prince opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, she held her breath and went to the fourth prince's mansion.

"Fifth Emperor Sister," Ji Ge received her, with a playful arc on the corners of his lips, "Why are you so polite?"

The fifth princess couldn't laugh, and said stiffly: "No."

The maid sent by Concubine Ming coughed softly.

The fifth emperor's daughter was agitated, and said seriously: "I found that I haven't reflected deeply enough, and I shouldn't offend the future king of the fourth emperor sister."

"Why should a family talk about two different languages?" Ji Ge raised a smiling face, approached the fifth emperor's daughter and whispered in his ear, "I heard that the imperial concubine got a new guqin."

The implication of these words is that everyone can hear it. The fifth emperor was furious, and almost wanted to tell Ji Ge not to go too far, but when she received a cool glance from the maid, she instantly woke up and swallowed her anger: "Since the fourth emperor likes it, Then I will ask my father and concubine to give it to Si Huangjie."

A smile flashed in Ji Ge's eyes, and he felt sincerely, "Sister Wuhuang is really too generous."

Ever since, a day later, Jing Li received the guqin from Ji Ge.

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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