Chapter 473 The Queen Will Never Give Up (20)

The days after marriage are very peaceful.

In mid-July, Suichao entered the hottest time of the year.

The heat was unbearable and the sun was shining brightly.

Ice basins are placed in the empress' bedroom all day long, and cool air overflows from the corners, and the transpiration disappears in the air.

After a few more days, guessing that the matter at hand was almost dealt with, the empress announced that she would go to the Xiaoshan Palace to escape the summer heat, accompanied by the empresses, Chen Yu and some senior court officials.

Officials from the six ministries are still staying in Bianjing City, maintaining the daily operation of the imperial city.

When we arrived at the palace, it was just in time for dinner.

The cook in the palace had already prepared meals, but after sitting in the carriage for several hours, no matter how comfortable the carriage was, everyone had no appetite, so they put their chopsticks hastily before putting it down.

After lunch break, Ji Ge woke up with sleepy eyes and found that the person beside her was still sleeping.

The girl smiled and got up lightly.

Ting Wan was resting in the wing room next door, when she heard footsteps, she hurriedly got up, "Your Highness, where are you going?"

Ji Ge plucked her long hair, "Ah Li didn't eat much at noon, and he will probably be hungry when he wakes up later. I'll go to the kitchen to get some pastries."

"It's fine for me to go to this trivial matter." Ting Wan shook his head disapprovingly, "There is no need to bother Your Highness."

"It's okay," Ji Ge walked out, "It's also good to take a walk."

He couldn't listen to Wan Wan, so he could only keep up with the girl's pace.

There were not many people in the kitchen, and after hearing about Ji Ge's intentions, I was sorry to ask people to wait for a while, and it took time to prepare what she wanted.

Ji Ge was also idle, standing next to the chef with great interest, watching the whole process of her making dim sum, wondering if he could steal a teacher.

After the pastries were ready, Ting Wan quickly put them all into the food box, and followed Ji Ge with the things.

Walking towards him was a thin figure with black hair and green clothes, gentle and beautiful eyebrows with a bookish look raised by a scholarly family. He was followed by an attendant, frowning and preoccupied.

Ji Ge saw someone familiar, but couldn't remember where she saw her. She turned to make way for others, but the young man stopped, looked at her, and opened his mouth: "Your Highness, Fourth Princess."

Ji Ge finally remembered who this was.

The bamboo horse of the original owner, Shen Hanguang.

"Shen Fangjun." Ji Ge called people politely and distantly. She really wanted to leave after saying hello, just maintain the superficial politeness, but Shen Hanguang blocked the only way she had to pass, and she didn't mean to give way at all. No.

"How is your Highness doing recently?" Shen Hanguang knew that the best thing he could do was to leave. The eldest princess looked gentle and polite on the surface, but in fact she was not a generous person. His actions like this would undoubtedly attract the attention of the eldest princess. suspicion.

But he couldn't bear it.

Shen Hanguang hadn't seen Ji Ge for a long time, and he couldn't move his eyes away. The flamboyant young girl stood in front of him, and the ruby ​​beads swayed gently, making her even more beautiful and beautiful.

"Very good." Ji Ge's tone was perfunctory, and he answered casually: "Mr. Shen Fang, can you get out of the way, Ah Li is still waiting for me."

Shen Hanguang's eyes dimmed, he knew who A Li was in Ji Ge's mouth, the boy turned sideways, motioned for the attendants beside him to move out of the way, and watched the girl leave without looking sideways.

The tightness in his chest became more and more obvious.

Shen Hanguang coughed, his lips turned white.

"My lord," the attendant, who has been with him for many years and knows the past of Shen Hanguang and Bu Jige very well, sighed, "Why do you do this?"

"I know what I'm doing," Shen Hanguang interrupted him, "you don't need to say too much."

From the moment he made his choice, Shen Hanguang knew what price he had to pay.

He is willing.

 One more.

(End of this chapter)

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