Chapter 475 The Queen Will Never Give Up (22)

Jing Li honestly shook his head.

"I'll teach you," Ji Ge said with his arms propped up, "there is a horse farm in the palace, and it will be Qiushou in a few months, so I will take you there to play."

There are a lot of things in the Four Emperors' Association, although most of them are skills for eating, drinking and having fun, but they are used in this aspect just right. Every year during the autumn hunting, the Four Emperors catch the most prey.

Jing Li scooped up a spoonful of sweet and milky ice cream and tasted it, his brows and eyes slightly curved, and he responded meekly.

"All listen to the wife."

He was so obedient that the girl couldn't help rubbing Jing Li's head, "It's getting late today, you should rest well, let's go to the racecourse tomorrow."

In the evening, the empress, who had come over slowly, held a banquet in the palace, and both the empress and the old ministers who had come over were present.

Ji Ge glanced at the scene casually, and found that all the princesses were in pairs, even the fifth prince who was rebellious and loved to fight against her and fought repeatedly, was followed by a man, Serve her tenderly.

The ages of the several imperial daughters were not much different, and almost all of them got married. The only unmarried seventh imperial daughter, Bu Xiaoxiao, had her wedding date already set. Next, the courtiers guessed that it was time for the courtiers to propose that the imperial daughter formally enter the court.

The imperial daughter's entry into the dynasty means that the battle for succession is becoming increasingly fierce.

But this is what Ji Ge wants to see, the more muddy the water, the better she can fish out of it.

Ji Ge stuffed the small and delicate Golden Peach Blossom Cake into his mouth, thinking casually.

Since it's a banquet, it's unavoidable to toast to each other. Ji Ge drank a lot of wine, she can drink a lot, so it's not a problem, but Jing Li...

"Wife master," the young man next to her tugged at her sleeves, his light maroon eyes were like beautiful jewels, faint ripples, and slowly jumped out word by word, " stuffy."

The slender fingers gently brushed away the sticky hair on the young man's cheeks, Ji Ge didn't expect Jing Li to be drunk, and he was fine after drinking a glass of wine on the wedding day.

Fortunately, the degree is not deep, just a little drunk.

Ji Ge coaxed him: "Then let's go for a walk, shall we?"

Jing Li reacted sluggishly for a while, then nodded blankly.

This time the banquet did not restrict people to move around, Ji Ge pulled people up, the young man leaned sticky beside her, the shadow of the light fell on his fair and delicate face, faintly overturned.

"Where is Fourth Imperial Sister going?" The eldest imperial daughter turned her head and asked with a smile as she was close.

"A Li is a little drunk," the girl said lightly, "I'll take him out to sober up."

The eldest princess' eyes fell on Jing Li, the drunken young boy's cheeks were stained with a light crimson color, his curled long eyelashes were full of light, without saying a word, he was as beautiful and beautiful as a seductive fairy walking out of a mountain forest.

As if aware of the eldest princess' gaze, the boy raised his head, his eyes turned cold.

The eldest imperial daughter toasted, respecting people from a distance, covering her eyes with some surprise: "Then I won't bother Fourth Imperial Sister."

Ji Ge led the people away, the summer night breeze was cool, dissipating the heat of the day, and the sleeves fluttered gently.

"I don't like the eldest princess." Jing Li suddenly said.

"Wake up."

Ji Ge raised his eyebrows and asked lazily.

Jing Li shook his dizzy head: "Not yet."

"Don't drink so much next time."

Ji Ge was busy greeting people just now, and didn't notice how much Jing Li drank.

Now it seems that the young man still has a bit of alcohol capacity, but the alcohol capacity is too shallow.

"All listen to the wife."

Jing Li sighed, knowing that Ji Ge was for his own good.

Ji Ge pinched the young man's cheek, and smiled widely.

"Ah Li is so good."

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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