Chapter 479 The Queen Will Never Give Up (26)

The food was brought out, but Jing Li didn't have much appetite, and was in a trance.

"What are you thinking about?" Ji Ge tapped Jingli's bowl with chopsticks, the sound was clear and crisp, which woke Jingli up immediately.

"I'm thinking about Shen Jiejun and Ji Ge," the young man came back to his senses, his eyelashes were long, thick and thick, and half down softly, showing a kind of gentle and well-behaved fragile beauty, "Ji Ge and Shen Ge Side Jun, were you on good terms before?"

The young man's words were light and light, and it sounded like he was just asking casually, but Ji Ge could tell that the little guy was obviously insecure, and was beating around the bush to ask her.

"Forget it," Ji Ge didn't hide it: "Shen Hanguang was the second prince's companion, and we had a good relationship before."

In the original plot, Bu Jige didn't leave at the beginning as a slutty and absurd playboy. She really liked Shen Hanguang, and even promised Shen Hanguang that she would only marry him.

It's a pity that Bu Jige is stubborn and rebellious by nature, and the jokes are often passed away. In fact, there are many aristocratic families who like her. After all, the girl has a good skin. contour.

There are so many favored children around her, so Shen Hanguang doesn't believe in Bu Jige at all.

"Don't think too much," Ji Ge rapped the young man's forehead lightly, "I don't like Shen Hanguang."

She promised: "A Li, I only like you."

"There will be no one else between us."

Jing Li's hands tightened tightly. From the very beginning, he understood that it is common for women to have three wives and six concubines, not to mention that Ji Ge is an imperial concubine, it is impossible to just guard him alone, but when he thinks of sharing Ji Ge with others, Jing Li Li always felt that it was difficult for him to breathe.

"Really?" Jing Li anxiously asked for confirmation, the boy's eyelashes trembled slightly, he was as beautiful as a feathered butterfly, making people want to bully him just looking at it.


Jing Li showed a smile, his expression was amazing.

It doesn't matter if it's fake, at least at this moment, she is still willing to lie to him.

"Don't think about it all day,"

"Eat well."

On the other side, the empress was also eating.

She drank a lot of wine yesterday and slept late, and today she wakes up a little bit out of energy and eats absent-mindedly.

Sitting across from her was Chen Yu, the young prime minister in a light robe, with a generous demeanor, even in front of the king of a country, he did not feel cramped.

There are not many people who are qualified to dine with the Empress, and Chen Yu is one of them. The Empress thinks highly of her and does not hide her trust in any way.

After chatting casually for a few words about the news sent by the officials of Bianjing City, Chen Yu cut to the chase and suggested that the imperial daughters should officially enter the court.

The empress straightened her face, "Indeed, when the child is older, it's time to experience it. According to the prime minister, which department should I arrange for the princesses to go to?"

Chen Yu declined repeatedly, but in the end she couldn't meet the repeated requests of the Empress, so she gave a suggestion.

Ji Ge was assigned to the Ministry of Punishment, while the eldest princess was assigned to the Department of Household Affairs.

The next work of the princesses was decided in a few words, Chen Yu continued to chat and laugh with the empress, without any sharpness in his words, and finally retired calmly and left.

The shadow of the sun is clear, and the clouds gather and disperse.

A gentle smile was drawn on the woman's lips, and she murmured in a low voice: "Don't let me down, Fourth Highness."

She is also tired of being the prime minister who calls the wind and rain, and it is time to find some other fun.

For example, how about a change of dynasty?
 Three shifts

  I don't really want to write the plot, so the plot is simply passed with a few strokes

(End of this chapter)

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