Chapter 486 The Queen Will Never Give Up (33)

But the dagger stopped when it was about to touch the girl's heart.

The silent song is ignorant, and the breath of Shenshuixiang is in the air, with a slight sweetness and tranquility.

It's his favorite scent right now.

Before the first meeting and before getting married, the young man who was ignorant of his mind fell in love with this scent, and uncharacteristically lit agarwood in the inner room.

But the spices that Jingli tried so hard to find were not as good as the unique smell of the girl.

Light and slightly sweet, not obvious strong aroma, but full of presence.

As if the new rain in early spring has washed the world, the air carries the unique smell of soil and the slight sweetness of rain, and the swaying crabapple adds to the aftertaste. Although it is said that the crabapple has no fragrance, it is mixed with other smells, and it is inexplicably infected with it. The sweetness and mellowness of dark red petals fermented into a long-lasting and lingering aroma, domineeringly occupying all the senses.

Can't go.

The girl in front of him was his first heartbeat.

Jing Li bit his lip, his arms were hanging in the air, he felt numb for a long time.

He quietly closed his long eyelashes, trembling slightly.

The motionless posture is as rigid as a wooden sculpture.

After a while, Jing Li finally made up his mind, raised his hand, and the dagger fell to the ground with a ding.

The young man stared at the dagger that shimmered in the moonlight, but didn't intend to pick it up.

He smiled wryly.

There was a sudden warmth on his back, and the girl's slender fingers landed on his shoulders, followed by his head. She put her head on the neck, touched the stiff boy's chin with her fingers, and asked lazily, "Why don't you do it?" ?”

"Wife master," the young man didn't speak, and said after a while: "I don't want to part with it."

Ji Ge had a bit of a headache, and vaguely guessed that something might have gone wrong that caused the little guy to misunderstand, so he made such a big oolong.

"Why do you suddenly want to kill me?"

Ji Ge asked lazily, with a less serious tone.

This sentence was like a switch, the boy's body trembled, and it was only when Ji Ge half-forced and half-forced Jing Li's head to face her that he realized that he was actually crying.

The ice beauty who has always been clear and cold, now tears are streaming down her eyes, her slender black eyelashes like crow feathers are stained with strong water vapor, the ends of her eyes are soaked in a rouge-like blush, and her slender lips are full of tears. A few drops of water fell, mottled and broken, and covered with a layer of shiny color.

Ji Ge was silent for a while, although it seemed perverted to say so, but she sincerely hoped that Jing Li would cry for a longer time, the picture of the cold and broken beauty crying is really amazing.

System: "..." I understand the truth, but if you feel like a pervert, just think about it secretly, why tell me.

Isn't this more like a pervert? !

Like a beautiful and exquisite crystal statue being smashed, the satisfaction and regrettable beauty brought by the destruction makes the blood boil.

But fearing that Jing Li's eyes would become swollen if he continued to cry, Ji Ge coaxed the young man to stop crying.

Talk about something.

"I'm afraid Ji Ge won't want me anymore."

With a hoarse voice, the young man expressed all the insecurities in his heart.

"Why does Ah Li think so?" Ji Ge thought for a while, and asked tentatively, "Is that the one I brought back today?"

The boy looked at her with red eyes, silently acquiescing.

Ji Ge found the source, angry and funny: "Don't think too much about it."

She angrily ruffled the boy's ink-splashed long hair to vent her anger, and sighed: "The one I brought back is a woman, but I have to pretend to be a man for the time being."

 two more

  I may get used to it when it’s bad to a certain extent, and now I feel less and less guilty
  There are still two more updates tomorrow, try to finish writing and send them out in the afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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