Chapter 494 The Queen Will Never Give Up (41)

The staff's suggestion was not complicated, it was to poison the empress, and then take the opportunity to kill the other imperial daughters. When the royal family only had a little blood of her, then the eldest empress would be the logical crown prince.

And history is always written by the victors.

Afterwards, the Eldest Empress can completely pick herself up clean, and ascend the throne with a clean body.

The eldest princess was moved.

She suppressed her eager ambition and began to seriously discuss the feasibility of this proposal with other staff.

The people recruited by the eldest princess don't talk about talents in the world, at least there are still many people who can be used. The three cobblers are the best Zhuge Liang. They discussed and discussed, but they really discussed a set of strict plans.

The Eldest Empress stayed in the Imperial Palace for a week with peace of mind, copied a thick stack of Buddhist scriptures, and entrusted someone to give it to the Empress to express her sincerity in admitting her mistakes.

Whether it was her daughter who had been hurt for so many years, the Empress still couldn't bear it, so she lifted her restraint order a few days in advance, and summoned her to the palace to accompany her for dinner.

However, in the past ten days, the situation in the court has changed dramatically, and the balance has subtly tilted, and the victory has gradually fallen to the fourth princess.

The empress looked haggard, she bet on the wrong person, and the false mother-daughter relationship with the fourth imperial daughter collapsed overnight, but she quickly adjusted her mentality.After all, she and Bujige have an inseparable blood relationship, her attitude has softened, and Jige has to express her position in due course.

"Boss." The weather was getting colder, the Empress was infected with the cold, and her complexion was not very good-looking. She coughed a few words, never mentioning the position of Empress Dowager that she had promised to the Great Empress before. Give her a rich fief.

I have paid so much for the position of Empress Dowager, and worked so hard for so many years, but in the end, the empress who gave the bait wanted to back down and continue to maintain her relationship with the royal family with Meimei.

She is dreaming!
The Eldest Empress's vacillating heart hardened, she kept her face hidden, and answered with a smile, flicking her sleeves, and nonchalantly served the Empress with serving chopsticks.

For so many years, the Great Empress has bought many people in the empress' palace, and planted a few nails in the imperial hospital, which can be used at this time.

The great emperor, daughter, father and concubine had passed away long ago, and after the meal, they were pulled by the empress to chat with each other for a while before leaving the palace.

She turned her head, looked at the magnificent palaces behind her, and let out a slow breath.

The eldest princess's father and concubine came from a humble background, they were just lowly palace servants, and their looks were not all over the country, but the empress fell in love with him at first sight, and loved his gentle and gentle temperament so much that she even ignored Xie's family and let him be ahead of Fengjun The queen was born.

The eldest princess's lips curled into a sarcasm.

Unfortunately, they are all fake.

The Empress once swore that she would make her the future owner of the Sui Dynasty, but now she wants to leave when things are not going well, it's not that easy.

Ji Ge received the secret letter and read it casually, with interest flashing in his eyes: "Poisoned?"

Yin Zhi poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip: "Yes, Your Highness, do you want to use this as an excuse to bring down the eldest princess?"

"No," Ji Ge gave Yin Zhi's unsurprising answer. The girl's voice was as soft as mist, with a bit of playfulness: "Don't our majesty like the deep affection between mother and daughter? Then let her take a good look at the love she loves." How deep is my eldest daughter’s affection for her mother.”

"And," she smiled, "I like seeing broken hopes."

"Isn't it fun to succeed one step away?"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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