Chapter 496 The Queen Will Never Give Up (43)

The Queen's illness has not recovered for a long time, which means that this year's autumn hunting has to be cancelled.

Ji Ge is a bit regretful: "I originally wanted to take Ah Li to go hunting. Qiushou is very interesting."

Jing Li didn't think much about it: "If you talk about Qiushou, there will be more next year, and Jige can teach me next year."

"Besides," the young man pursed his lower lip, and said in a waxy voice, "I don't know how to shoot arrows yet, and I'm not very proficient at riding a horse."

"That's fine," Ji Ge changed his mind, and promised, "In spring, I'll take Ah Li to Xingguo Temple to see the peach blossoms. I heard that the incense is very effective."

"Well," Jing Li complied obediently, her beautiful eyebrows and eyes curved softly, "As long as Ji Ge is willing to accompany me."

Ji Ge hilariously tugged at his long hair. The ink-splashed long hair was well maintained, with a smooth and soft texture, and slowly slid across her palm, "Of course."

The situation in the court became more and more complicated, and strangely formed a delicate check and balance.

The current power of the eldest princess and the fourth princess can be said to be incompatible. Today, my censor took part in you, and tomorrow your people will add chaos and discredit to me.

The eldest princess's acquisition went very smoothly.

Bu Jige didn't seem to be aware of her purpose, and fought her diligently in the court, but didn't realize that the eldest princess planned to ascend to the sky in one step.

Although the process was a little twists and turns, most of the names on the list of people that the First Empress planned to win over had already been crossed out.

On a full moon night, the cobalt blue sky is dotted with a few stars, like gems inlaid in a hair crown, shining with crystal clear light.

Shen Hanguang nodded to the maid, and said loudly, "Your Highness, it's me."

It took a while before the eldest princess' voice came from the room: "Han Guang, what are you doing here?"

"I made some snacks for His Highness, and I came here to see His Highness." Shen Hanguang greeted him gently.

Although the eldest princess has married Zhengjun, she is an ice beauty who is as cold as frost and snow, and she is dedicated to the Buddha. She stays in the Buddhist hall all day long, does not care about world affairs, and does not care about the eldest princess, let alone the eldest princess's backyard. Those Yingyingyanyans are gone.

The Eldest Empress didn't have much affection for her Zhengjun, she posted hot faces for a few moments, but she gave up without getting a response, and the husband and wife simply lived their own lives.

As for Shen Hanguang, although his family background is a little lower, he has a gentle and considerate personality, and is intelligent and clear. He knows what to do and what not to do, and he will not blindly compete for favor. Queen's heart.

"Han Guang, come in."

The maid let Shen Hanguang go.

Shen Hanguang motioned to the attendant who came with him to wait outside, and walked in slowly with the food box.

The eldest princess was sitting on the roof of the attic, watching the night scene while drinking to cheer her up.

Shen Hanguang frowned slightly when he smelled the strong smell of alcohol.

Fortunately, although the eldest princess is a bit too much now, she hasn't called a few beauties over to mess around.

The attic was clean, except for that tall figure, the Eldest Empress who had always been indifferent to emotions and anger, and because the situation was getting more and more favorable to her, it was rare for her to relax for a while.

"Han Guang," the eldest princess poured him a glass of wine, and the clear wine was lightly rippling: "Try it."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Shen Hanguang is well aware of the eldest princess's uncompromising temperament, she seems gentle, but in fact she can't stand others disobeying herself, so even if she doesn't like to drink, he still picks up the glass and drank it down.

The choking smell of alcohol rushed straight into his throat, and Shen Hanguang coughed uncomfortably, his face flushed from the irritation.

 Three shifts

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(End of this chapter)

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