Chapter 499 The Queen Will Never Give Up (46)

Before Shen Shilang entered the door, Ji Ge had restrained his smile.

The tall and slender girl leaned against the window, turned her head when she heard the sound, with dark clouds on her temples, her complexion glowing, "What's the important thing Shen Shilang is here this time?"

There is not even a process of exchanging pleasantries, just get straight to the point.

Tingwan exited knowingly, leaving a separate space for the two of them to talk.

Shen Shilang settled down, and said loudly: "I have come to surrender to His Royal Highness the Fourth Emperor."

Ji Ge didn't move his eyebrows, he didn't quite believe it.

Ever since Shen Hanguang entered the door of the Great Empress's Mansion, the Shen family has been tied together with the Great Empress by default in the eyes of everyone. They are all prosperous and all damaged. Now what makes her give up the Great Empress and choose her who has never been close to her? the princess.

Tsk, could it be that Shen Hanguang found something while staying beside the Eldest Empress, told Shen Shilang, and then made her feel that the boat of the Eldest Empress is too dangerous, not only crudely built, but also leaking, and the degree of involvement is beyond the charts.

Thoughts in Ji Ge's mind turned quickly, but there was not much emotion on his face.

Shen Shilang gritted his teeth, and spoke righteously: "The eldest imperial daughter has the heart of disobedience, and I really can't bear it, so I came to abandon the dark and turn to the light today."

It's easy to get sore feet while standing and pretending to be aggressive, Ji Ge sat down leisurely, and motioned Shen Shilang to sit down together.

"Shen Shilang be careful," Ji Ge persuaded, with a surprised expression on his face: "Slandering the princess, you have to think about what crime it is?"

Shen Shilang couldn't tell whether the fourth princess was pretending to be stupid or really didn't know, but knowing that she was not very interested in his family's surrender, he became more and more anxious.

Shen Shilang burst into a big thunder: "His Royal Highness has tampered with His Majesty."

This time, Ji Ge was really surprised.

The Shen family belongs to the second-class group in Bianjing City, and it is far behind the top aristocratic families. This means that the news of Shen Shilang definitely does not come from the Imperial Hospital, but from his own thinking or from the eldest princess. It can be knocked on the side.

Ji Ge almost subconsciously thought of Shen Hanguang.

Shen Shilang's source of news is likely to come from him.

Then, Shen Shilang and Shen Hanguang probably knew about the eldest princess' plan, but Ji Ge really couldn't figure out why they came to seek refuge with her.

Don't mention the empty talk of youthful friendship, Shen Shilang obviously came here for profit, the relationship between Shen Hanguang and Bu Jige was severed as early as when Shen Hanguang married into the palace of the great emperor.

"Shen Shilang, don't talk nonsense," Ji Ge said slowly, and he didn't bother to act anymore. Shen Shilang can tell such important news, which shows that she sincerely wants to join the camp of the four princesses: "Elder Sister, Youmei Gong , you are very filial to the Queen Mother, how could you do such a rebellious thing, I guess you misunderstood it."

Shen Shilang quietly looked at the fourth princess on the opposite side.

The young and noble Royal Highness is wearing a gorgeous palace dress, with red jade pendants on her earlobes. The slender and round waterdrops make her skin whiter, her light black and clear phoenix eyes, and her bright and moist red lips. It is the beauty of the royal family.

Although it is a well-known fact that the fourth princess is not as foolish as she appears on the surface, everyone still despises her unconsciously because of inherent impressions. Shen Shilang is also one of them, so her choice of Shen Hanguang is particularly puzzling.

But Shen Hanguang persisted.

Shen Shilang originally wanted to take it both ways, not to betray the first princess, but also to show favor to the fourth princess, so that no matter which one she wins, she will not lose, but now Shen Shilang finds out that this is an impossible thing.

She is doomed to only choose one of the two.

The fourth princess is far more scheming than everyone imagined.

She sighed, and finally said honestly: "Your Highness, I sincerely show my affection to you."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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