Chapter 509 Misunderstanding Buddha (3)

The relationship between the demon king of this generation and the human race is not good, it can even be said that fire and water are incompatible, and even the relationship between the demon and human race has deteriorated a lot.

The reason can be traced back to decades ago. The Qingxu faction was dissatisfied with the rampant and domineering of the demon clan, causing harm to the world, and wanted to frustrate the prestige of the demon clan, so they joined forces with those demon clans that were not compatible with the demon emperor, resulting in the fall of the demon queen.

The Demon King and the Demon Queen are deeply in love, so after the death of the Demon Queen, the grief is unspeakable. After he found out the truth, one of the three great sects that used to be invincible in the past ushered in the end.

Blood flowed like a river, and in just one day, the Qingxu Sect disappeared in the world. Fortunately, Venerable Huai Zheng of Kunyan Sect came quickly enough, and together with the remaining Qingxu Sect elders who were exhausted, rescued the panicked Qingxu Sect disciples.

Since then, the relationship between the human race and the demon clan has become worse and worse, almost to the point of life and death, and the demon emperor has not shown up since the battle. It is rumored that it is to attack Mahayana, but there are different opinions about the real facts.

With such an origin, Ji Ge was surprised that Tianlang'an dared to defy the law and commit crimes against the demon emperor's ban.

"In a coma?" Ji Ge walked over, condescendingly sizing up the young man: "Are you still awake?"

Hearing Jige's voice, the boy opened his eyes with difficulty.

Ji Ge smelled a vague smell of blood. This person was obviously seriously injured, but she didn't show any mercy, and said lazily: "You are also courageous enough to dare to break into the demon realm."

The boy barely stood up, his voice hoarse and deep because he hadn't spoken for a long time and replenished water in time: "I don't mean to offend, I'm leaving now."

Ji Ge did not move, and thought about it seriously: "It's okay."

Tian Lang'an became anxious when he heard it, and looked at Ji Ge pleadingly: "Sister Huang, can you let him stay?"

"Tianlang'an," Ji Ge read her full name, the girl's voice was melodious and gorgeous, and the ending was languid, with the natural provocative meaning of the fox clan, showing a bit of tenderness: "Do you still remember who you are? ?"

This sentence is a silent rejection.

Tianlang'an knew that the monster race and the human race had always been sworn brothers, especially her, and because of the fact that she had killed her mother, she shouldn't sympathize with a human race.


Tianlang'an bit his lip.

He suffered such serious injuries, if he was thrown out now and recognized as a human race, he would surely die.

"Sister Huang," Tian Langan pulled her sleeves carefully, gritted his teeth when he met the girl's calm gaze, "Please, just keep him for a while, and I'll send him off immediately when he recovers from his injuries." Walk."

The girl looked helplessly, and threw out her trump card: "I... I just want to find someone to accompany me."

She whispered, her tone frustrated.

Ji Ge's heart suddenly softened, and he hesitated.

The eldest princess of the Yaozu is not afraid of anything, and she is very hard-hearted when dealing with those ghosts and monsters. No matter how much they have contributed to the Yaozu, no matter how much they cry and beg for mercy, they will not let it go. The only person who can move her is her younger sister.

Not long after Tianlang'an was born, the Demon Empress fell. The Demon Emperor was indulging in grief and announced to retreat to recuperate her wounds. All the affairs of the Demon Clan were placed on Ji Ge's body. She was busy and spent more than ten years It was only time that the turbulent Yaozu calmed down again, and it was only at this time that she was in the mood to pay attention to her younger sister whom she had only seen a few times.

Tianlang'an's temperament has been fixed, she has followed the demon queen's gentle and soft-hearted temperament, her blood is also inherited from the demon queen, her talent is average, and she is not taken seriously, and because she grew up in an environment lacking love, the girl became Reticent.

 two more

  Make up the rest tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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