Chapter 531 Misunderstanding Buddha (25)

There is no doubt that Yue Jiyun is a real strict teacher.

Several disciples have been raised for different periods of time, with different talents, accomplishments, hobbies and strengths, so teaching together is basically wishful thinking.

Therefore, the class that Shen Qianfei said was actually a disguised form of checking homework.

The main purpose is to check whether the disciple is lazy, and to what extent he has practiced on the path he chose.

Shen Qianfei was very resistant to this link and was under a lot of pressure.

It's not that she didn't learn well. Shen Qianfei practiced Ruo Shui Jue, which is suitable for women. She is as good as water, from soft to strong, and she learned the way of using softness to overcome rigidity. ...

Shen Qianfei: ...why should I compare QAQ with a bunch of lunatics
Before Ji Ge appeared, she was often at the bottom, suffering from Yue Jiyun's death stare, and then consciously rolled into the Soul Refining Pagoda to practice penance, and was tortured to the point of death.

After Jige appeared...

Shen Qianfei was still at the bottom.

The new little junior sister looks obedient and soft, always with a pair of smiling eyes, innocent and naive, but in fact, she is also a little lunatic who doesn't care, she is very hard-working in cultivation, and she insists that she is barely serious Shen Qianfei turned into a salted fish.

Standing beside a group of gods, Shen Qianfei often shed tears because she was just a mortal.

I can't escape criticism today.

Shen Qianfei dawdled, with the beautiful fantasy of escaping death if Kun Yanzong suddenly exploded, and arrived at Yunzhi Academy where Yue Jiyun was teaching.

Pushing open the door, the beauty was sitting in the morning light, with a cold and delicate side face, her phoenix eyes were frosted, her pale lips were slightly pursed, she was the usual unapproachable iceberg beauty.

Ji Ge blinked innocently, and obediently called out: "Master."

"Here we come." Yue Ji Yunqing gave them a cool look.

Shen Qianfei shivered tremblingly, and shouted honestly: "Master."

After not seeing each other for a few months, he seemed even more unkind.

This is the characteristic of the Way of Forgetfulness.

The further back you cultivate, the weaker your relationship will be, and everything will be left behind by them.

Kinship, love and hatred, friendship... are all just clouds and smoke.

Thinking of this, Shen Qianfei subconsciously glanced at her junior brother and then at Jige, feeling a little comforted.

Fortunately, her cute little junior sister did not follow the path of being too forgetful.

The way of forgetting love needs to cut off the thread of love. Women are always nostalgic and emotionally indecisive, so there are natural disadvantages in practicing the way of forgetting love.

Ji Ge repaired the Chaos Qing Yuan Jing.

This exercise is too obscure, so it has been gathering dust at the bottom of Kunyanzong's Library Pavilion before. Kunyanzong, which is full of talents, has not chosen to practice it.

Just the word chaos makes people feel that Monk Zhang Er is confused.

The term is so neutral that no one understands it.

Ji Ge is very suitable for it. The understanding of exercises is advancing rapidly. Shen Qianfei originally thought that the younger sister might change her temperament after practicing such difficult exercises. As if just brought back, it is soft and approachable.

It is a sesame glutinous rice ball that is white on the outside and black on the inside.

The other disciples under Venerable Huaizheng's sect had already arrived, and now that Ji Ge and Shen Qianfei had also arrived, Yue Jiyun didn't waste any more time and decisively began to check the progress of his practice.

Shen Qianfei covered her heart, weakly making a Xizi holding her heart.

"...Senior Sister," Ji Ge asked sincerely, "Are you preparing to sing an opera?"

"No," Shen Qianfei whispered, "If you say I'm like this, will Master show mercy and let me go."


The author has something to say: Today's update will be late, and it is not sure when it will be released. Little angels, let's watch it tomorrow morning

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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