Chapter 544 Misunderstanding Buddha (38)

Yue Jiyun simply looked away, out of sight and out of mind.

"You take her out of the secret realm first," Yue Jiyun led Gu Yaoyi to the exit of the underground palace, "I will deal with the other demon cultivators in the underground palace."

"Yes." Gu Yao knew that he could not be of much help here, so he simply agreed.

Yue Jiyun nodded slightly, his gaze fell on the sleepy girl in the boy's arms calmly, then indifferently withdrew his gaze, and turned back to the underground palace.

Gu Yaoyi hugged the person towards the exit of the secret realm, Jige struggled to wake up once in the middle, opened his eyes with difficulty, and forced a voice, "Little brother."

"It's me," Gu Yaoyi answered in a busy schedule, "Junior Sister, rest first, we can go out soon."

"By the way, little senior brother," Ji Ge closed his eyes obediently, but he was still asking, "I seem to have seen Master just now."

Gu Yaoyi paused, and soon returned to normal.

"It's just an illusion."

"From the beginning to the end, I was the only one with you, Junior Sister."

Ji Ge nodded and stopped asking.

Forcibly breaking into the secret realm this time still caused a lot of damage to Yue Jiyun's body. After the incident was resolved, he went back to the cave to recuperate.

Master has always been in retreat recently.

Fortunately, Ji Ge and others are also used to Yue Jiyun's retreat frequency, and it did not have much impact on their practice.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

After Yue Jiyun woke up, he opened the messenger talisman to see if there was any major disturbance in the sect recently.

He injected spiritual energy into the communication talisman, and the headmaster's anxious voice sounded instantly in the empty cave.

"Ji Yun, Gu Yaoyi, that kid wants to marry the little fox demon."

The man's face darkened a little bit with his words, and his eyes turned cold.


He closed his eyes.

The long time of retreat did not annihilate the weak thread of love in Yue Jiyun's heart.

That ray of emotion is shaky, but it is still difficult to get rid of it.

He got up lightly.

The news that Venerable Huaizheng had left the customs quickly spread throughout Kunyanzong.

As his disciples, except for the eldest disciple who also happened to enter the state of retreat and the fourth disciple who ran around all over the world, all other disciples who could come came.

Ji Ge had something to do before, so he didn't come with Gu Yaoyi and the others, but went alone, and was the last one to arrive.

"Congratulations, Master, for leaving the customs."

The girl said sincerely.

Yue Jiyun glanced over the peach hairpin on Jige's head and the Qiansi Yin in his hand with light eyes, "You want to marry Gu Yaoyi?"

Ji Ge was taken aback by the unexpected question, and after realizing it, he rolled his eyes, "Yes."

The girl's delicate eyebrows and eyes were full of sweetness and shyness about marrying her sweetheart, "The wedding date has been set, just one month later."

"Master, are you willing to be our witness?"

Ji Ge asked earnestly, with a dizzying softness and anticipation on his smiling face.

Yue Jiyun stared at her with probing eyes, as if trying to discern whether Ji Ge was sincere.

But the girl's smile was bright and bright, without any false feelings.

My fifth and sixth disciples got married, so it stands to reason that Master Yue Jiyun would be the most suitable witness for the marriage, after all, the parents of both couples are gone.

He stiffened his body and slowly said hello.

Ji Ge was obviously very happy. The girl in high spirits lowered her voice and said softly, "Master, do you know why you like little brother?"

She smiled and said every word with a very soft voice.

"Because my little brother saved my life in the secret realm three years ago."

"So from then on, I fell in love with little senior brother."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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