Chapter 549 Misunderstanding Buddha (43)

As soon as the news of Venerable Huaizheng's infatuation spread, it caused an uproar in the cultivation world.

Yue Jiyun was fleeing in the city at that time, the demonic aura was too obvious, there were other monks in the city, and he immediately recognized the famous Venerable Huai Zheng.

Even if Kunyanzong wanted to hide it, he couldn't stop Youyou's mouth, not to mention, the head and elders are also powerless now.

They are busy catching Yue Jiyun who has been possessed by demons.

The monks in the training stage are possessed by demons, and their lethality is huge, and because their cultivation base is not as good as his, the arrest work is also extremely slow and difficult.

And Ji Ge was in a coma for a long time at Yifeng.

Yue Jiyun's demon energy riot caused a lot of injuries to her body, Gu Yaoyi and Shen Qianfei took turns guarding her room, frowning.

A good wedding almost turned into a funeral. The two newlyweds who were preparing to get married got hurt in the end. Not only did the marriage come to an abrupt end, but it also cast a gloomy look on the entire sect.

All the disciples of Kunyan Sect have been walking a bit heavy recently.

Everyone in the world said that Venerable Huai Zheng of the Kunyan Sect had fallen into a demon, and the reputation of the Kunyan Sect fell to the bottom for a while. How much worship and admiration they enjoyed when the Kunyan Sect was brilliant, how much abuse and contempt they have to bear now.

The human race and the monster race are like fire and water, but they have the same view on one point, that is, they have absolute hatred and hostility towards the demon race.

Decades ago, the demon emperor fell into the devil, which caused a huge blow to the demon clan. Many elites of the demon palace died on the night of the demon palace incident, which caused the demon clan to be in turmoil for decades. Up to now, no new leader has been elected. The arrogance of the demon emperor and the demon clan was suppressed again and again.

Terran absolutely does not want to repeat the same mistakes.

Therefore, apprehending Venerable Huai Zheng has become the top priority of all sects in the cultivation world.

With a bitter face, Shen Qianfei leaned slightly, looking at the girl on the bed who was still asleep, her black hair covered the bed like a waterfall, her pale lips made her fair little face extraordinarily weak.

She sighed.

Up to now, she still doesn't understand why Shizun is possessed by a demon. Could it be because she has unrequited love for Junior Sister, or she has a heart demon, but when Master and Junior Sister were together before, she didn't see the slightest bit that Master was interested in Junior Sister.

Couldn't it be the sudden marriage between the junior sister and the junior brother that stimulated the master?

It's really sad.

Gu Yaoyi opened the door lightly, and asked in a low voice, "Senior sister, is little junior sister awake yet?"

"No, what about Master?" Shen Qianfei asked.

Gu Yaoyi: "The head of the sect is trying their best to arrest Master, and they should be back soon."

Having said that, both of them were silent.

Shen Qianfei and Gu Yao had a clear idea.

Even if he came back, it was impossible for Yue Jiyun to be his innocent and innocent Venerable Huai Zheng.

Those who waited for him were either directly killed or imprisoned in the cold prison of Prison Peak. If he could not get rid of the inner demon in time, then his life would basically be ruined.

"How could this be?" Shen Qianfei buried her face in her hands and sighed wearily. Only then did she allow her weakness to show.

It can be said that the world was turned upside down overnight.

"Senior Sister," Gu Yaoyi said softly, as if comforting her and himself, "it will be fine, everything will be fine."

The two people who spoke didn't notice that the girl who was supposed to be unconscious slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes were clear.

After a while, she slowly bent the corners of her lips.


 two more

(End of this chapter)

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