Chapter 552 Misunderstanding Buddha (46)

Seeing this scene, the headmaster was shocked and angry.

"Tianlangge, why are you so vicious! Gu Yaoyi never hurt you at all, and still protects you everywhere, but you are ungrateful, and even took his life. Yaoguo is really cold-blooded and ruthless."

While the head of the sect was filled with righteous indignation, he was more panicked about his own situation. Tianlangge could do this to Gu Yaoyi, an existence she had called her junior brother for decades, let alone him who had no friendship with her and even participated in it. The culprit of the demon palace incident.

The head of the sect believed that if he could really be killed, Tianlangge would never be merciful.

"Vicious, cold-blooded, ruthless?" The girl tilted her head slightly, and the emerald pendant on her earlobe shook out a line of clear water, reflecting a very beautiful and very light blue color in the sunlight.

It was a token of love that Gu Yaoyi gave to his sweetheart with great joy, and it was made into the shape of a delicate acacia flower, which bloomed vividly on the girl's jade-like crystal white earlobe.

It represents the teenager's cherished and cherished expectations for this love.

The wind and the moon are coming fiercely, no one can expect that the always cold and indifferent Venerable Huai Zheng fell in love with him, and the gentleman's sword, which was always as clear as a bamboo, died in the hands of his sweetheart.

But this kind of love mixed with impurities and countless rifts is never what Tianlangge wants.

The flamboyant and unrestrained eldest princess of the demon clan is extremely proud, with her eyes above her head, and she will never accept such a heart based on deception, many concealments and past hatred.

"Is he really innocent?"

Ji Ge smiled, as if he hadn't seen the endless killing scene in front of him, and there was a delicate and soft expression in his eyes, revealing almost innocent cruelty and indifference, showing a contradictory and deadly beauty.

The event in the Demon Palace, which was filled with infinite blood, did not have Gu Yaoyi's acquiescence and fuel.

He may not have participated in it from the beginning to the end, and he is still flawless and breezy.

But the person from the Qingxu Sect who lurks into the Demon Palace is obviously an old acquaintance with him. He may have already smelled the wind and rain, but he cowardly chose to escape.

Maybe he thinks that he won't cause any big trouble, maybe he thinks that the other party is a human race, his compatriots, and he should naturally stand on that side.

There are many possible reasons, but Ji Ge does not accept any of them.

Even if he didn't know about the demon palace incident from the beginning to the end, but in the decades when Ji Ge pretended to have amnesia, he never hinted to remind her of her past and life experience, but went along with others to hide it from her. Asking for sincerity.

The head and Yue Jiyun will never accept a non-my ethnic group without any gaps, and there is a monster clan with blood feuds. The deeper she goes, the closer she is to death.

His weakness, his acquiescence, is original sin.

What would happen if Ji Ge really lost his memory?
Yue Jiyun will not let her go, and neither will the sect leader. When she realizes that Jige is uncontrollable or useless, all that awaits her is death.

Gu Yaoyi knew it clearly, but chose to ignore it.

If those crises didn't surface, he really thought it didn't exist.

Gu Yaoyi naively thought that as long as he had his protection and favor, Tianlangge could be Kunyanzong's junior junior sister for life.

Ji Ge sneered, his eyes were cold and playful.

How can it be? !
His luck would only push the ignorant Shen Ge to the abyss of death.

What's more, being able to govern the demon clan well with the underage Nascent Soul stage cultivation during the years of the demon emperor's retreat for decades, Ji Ge will never be a demon who sits waiting to die and deceives himself.

No matter how cruel and bloody the truth is, Ji Ge will face it without hesitation.

Similarly, no matter how tempting a lie is, it is still a castle in the air without a foundation. Ji Ge will never like such an illusory beauty of drinking poison to quench thirst.

These thoughts flashed through Ji Ge's mind, it seemed very long, but in fact it was only a few moments.

The head of the sect doesn't want to continue talking nonsense with Ji Ge, now killing Ji Ge and destroying the Nine-Turn Spirit-Draining Formation is the most important thing.

He condensed his voice.

"Kill this demon girl, or we will all die."

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  Thank you Xiaowu for being super cute and Star Angel for your reward

(End of this chapter)

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