Chapter 554 Misunderstanding Buddha (48)

Jinlei means promotion to Leijie.

This is the divine beast promoted to Thunder Tribulation.

The head of the sect was full of despair. He never thought that he tried his best to dampen the arrogance of the Yaozu, but instead helped Ji Ge become the first nine-tailed sky fox in a thousand years.

That is a miracle that only existed in ancient times.

The snow-white and arrogant Sky Fox flaunted its nine tails, narrowed its slender, dark fox eyes, and looked at them coldly.

This beautiful and dignified Dharma statue shocked everyone who saw it at the scene. The noble and flamboyant temperament that could not tolerate the slightest disobedience attracted the attention of countless people.

The girl looked down at them, her bright crimson skirt swayed and twisted, pulling out a dazzling brilliance like a phoenix flower.

Black hair and red dress, like a peerless beauty who came out of hell, is the sharpest and most evil sword that suddenly appeared in the eternal night, just one glance can seduce the soul.

Ji Ge stretched out his hand, Tianhu Faxiang lowered his head, and rubbed the girl's soft and fair palm.

"It's time for this to end, too."

she sighed.

A crimson rain fell from the sky, the skirt was splashed with mottled dark colors, and the blood color converged into a thin river, overflowing the ground.

There is a thin layer of peach blossom petals accumulated on the ground, blown everywhere by the strong wind, they are entangled with the river of blood, interweaving into a strange and strange picture, the collision of bright red and light pink creates a thrilling beauty and beauty.

The tip of the sword was pressed against the head's heart, Ji Ge was seriously injured, but still smiled nonchalantly.

"Master, do you regret it?"

Those charming, dark fox eyes are raised lightly, and the ends of the eyes are dazzled with light gold, like flowing and magnificent phoenix feathers slantingly outlined, and like golden powder finely traced, bright and elegant.

The head's eyes twitched unconsciously.

He should regret it. He regretted bringing back a monster, a monster who planned and planned far-reaching.

From the very beginning, Ji Song has no amnesia.

The Tianhu family is good at charm and can see through all illusions, so the illusion that Yue Jiyun cast on her is completely useless.

From the beginning to the end, Ji Ge was planning every step of the way, spending decades of effort to play a big game of chess.

With the sword swaying, she won.

The loser is naturally at her disposal.

"Don't...don't kill me." Facing the danger of his life, the sect leader burst out with an astonishing desire to survive. He tried to provoke Ji Ge's heart to soften, "I never did anything to you. I persuaded Ji Yun to let you live."

"is it?"

Ji Ge smiled and leaned over.

In the next second, the long sword stably passed through the head's heart.

"Unfortunately I don't need it."

Can poison coated with icing sugar conceal its highly poisonous nature?
Ji Ge smiled and passed through the dantian with his sword, crushing his Nascent Soul and destroying his last hope of escaping.

The headmaster's eyes froze in panic for a moment, and his body suddenly fell down.

The long sword in his hand screamed, and broke off by itself in the next second.

It stayed in the Kunyan Sect Sword Tomb for a long time, and gave birth to a sword spirit ignorantly. In the simple cognition of the sword spirit, which has not been able to transform into a human form, Kunyan Sect is its home.

But its owner stood on the opposite side of Kunyanzong and killed so many people in Kunyanzong with his own hands.

Bi Cangjian was tortured, and he was unwilling to point the tip of the sword at his master, so he could only break himself.

"It's a good sword, but it's a pity that it fell into my hands."

Ji Ge threw away the Bicang Sword, which was still stained with blood on the blade and was broken in half, losing all spirituality, and commented objectively.

Ji Ge looked at the remaining elders in the small courtyard. Those people were all people who had never participated in the demon palace incident. They looked at her with fear in their eyes, as if they were looking at a monster.

She glanced over them lightly, and left with brisk steps.

"It's time to find a place and prepare to be struck by lightning."

The next day, Kunyan Zong Huaizheng's six disciples officially announced their defection to the public.

It is said that she killed the head of the sect and the gentleman sword Gu Yaoyi, and then fled without a trace.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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