Chapter 564 Misunderstanding Buddha (58)

The cat demon still remembered that a long time ago, he followed his current owner to participate in a siege. A group of people who practiced evil skills committed crimes and caused countless bloody storms in the local area.

In the end, it was wiped out by the Buddhist sect. At that time, the evil cultivator who was covered in bruises cried bitterly and knelt on the ground begging for forgiveness. At that time, there were many young disciples who were not deeply involved in the world. I also know that they do all kinds of evil, but if they want to kill people, they will not be able to get over this hurdle for a while.

The scene was so deadlocked.

In the end, it was Jikong himself who took their lives.

The splashed bright red blood stained the corner of the snow-white cassock, which was brushed off by the young man in an understatement.

When he looked at Xie Xiu, there was no hatred or sympathy in his eyes, calm, like looking at a poisonous weed, which is harmful and needs to be eradicated.

He's only a teenager in his teens, he's full of childishness, but he's already calm and cruel beyond ordinary people.

And the cat demon present looked at the spotless young man, who was so graceful and beautiful, as clean and flawless as snow, and suddenly boundless fear filled his heart.

The cat demon suddenly realized that he didn't care about anyone, he was a transparent person with no worries, if one day he fell into a demon, then no one could pull him back.

Although Buddhism needs such a ruthless Buddhist disciple, the cat demon often thinks that Jikong is too scary.

But now, a fox demon suddenly appeared beside Ji Kong, who had never been contaminated by the world of mortals, and even avoided the world of mortals. It can be said that everyone who knew it was shocked.

It seemed that he still valued and cared about this fox demon extraordinarily.

The cat demon scratched his heart and lungs with curiosity.

But I didn't expect it to be such a simple answer that couldn't fault it.

He lives in Bengbu.

The fish was grilled, but Ji Ge hesitated.

Thinking of Jikong alone in the room, the fox flicked its tail and tapped its paw on the grass.

Forget it.

Imagining the scene of Ji Kong being alone, Ji Ge's little conscience that has been missing for many years suddenly becomes a corpse.

Although Jikong should not care about her company, let's go back.

thought the fox.

The grilled fish was wrapped in fresh leaves, and Ji Ge nodded friendly to the cat demon: "Come here first today, I'll go back first."

"Hey..." The cat demon was a step too late to stop him. Seeing the fox trotting away with the grilled fish and disappearing from his field of vision, he murmured, "At least leave me a fish."

After grilling the fish for so long, I didn't eat a single bite of it in the end.

The cat demon was depressed, but at the same time a little dazed.

Is there something urgent about her suddenly running back so quickly?
Jikong was meditating and practicing, but the door creaked open.

The young man watched the snow-white ball come in slowly, with the fish wrapped in grass leaves curled up in its tail, the fluffy and thick fluff insulated from the heat, and she walked towards him slowly.

"Let me tell you first, I didn't come back for you."

Ji Ge took the lead: "There is nothing interesting outside, so I will come back after the fish is cooked."

Awkward as hell.

There was a slight smile in the boy's eyes, and he cooperated with her solemnly.

"Well, I see."

The slender, white palm landed on the fox's back, and gently and smoothly ran from the back of the neck to the base of the tail.

The fox lay down with a grunt, with his limbs spread out, and the quilt was quite comfortable.

Caught off guard by being picked up, the fox's half-closed eyes opened in a daze, and met those glazed pupils.

The young man pressed his palm against her forehead, with a smile in his voice.

"Very nice."

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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