Chapter 581 Misunderstanding Buddha (75)

It's just a pity.

Madame Xueli thought to herself.

Ji Kong was guarding the door, and Ji Ge set a restriction to ensure that the sound would not be heard. She was not worried that Mrs. Xue Miao would set her up. With her strength, Mrs. Xue Miao wanted to solve her problems in a short time. It's wishful thinking, and Jikong can lift the restriction to come in at any time.

"Miss Jige is a demon, right?" Mrs. Xueli asked.

Ji Ge didn't expect that she guessed her true identity, she was a little confused, her demon aura was restrained very well, but she was pointed out by Mrs. Xueli's words.

But she didn't deny it, and simply nodded.

Mrs. Xue Li sat opposite her, calm and lost in memories.

"When I first met him, he was just an adult." The woman smiled, her tone was so gentle that there were no edges and corners, she didn't look like a demon who had killed many people in a frenzy.

Her eyes are bent, with soft arcs, like a flower, slowly blooming.

Mrs. Xue Li was born in the Demon Realm. Her prototype was a hamster, a very weak demon clan.

In the Demon Realm, the weak prey on the strong, and the ration for the weak to become the strong is the default law of survival. It is very difficult to survive.

Mrs. Xueli was helpless, and when she became an adult, she had the idea of ​​leaving the demon realm. She used all her strength to break through the boundary wall, suffered serious injuries, and fainted in the outskirts of Yunzhou.

It just so happened that a mother and son passed by there and stopped for a rest.

The child picked up Mrs. Xueli who had turned into a demon.

A chubby little hamster with snow-white fur and a very cute appearance.

He liked her very much and begged his mother to keep Mrs. Xueli.

Mrs. Xueli's strangeness cannot be concealed, she is too weak, showing a trace of evil spirit, her mother sees through, she is not a mortal, but a cultivator.

It's just that her cultivation is not high, her talent is average, and her son is an ordinary person.

Mother didn't despise Mrs. Xueli because she was a demon. On the contrary, she treated her very well and brought herbal medicine to heal Mrs. Xueli's injuries. Zhang Ye often came to see her and talk to her.

Mrs. Xue Su stayed in the Zhang family.

She didn't know why the mother and son moved to such a remote place in Yunzhou, but living with them, she felt the long-lost relaxation and joy.

The mother was in poor health and passed away within a few years, leaving Mrs. Xueli and Zhang Ye to depend on each other.

During those difficult but warm times, Mrs. Xueli remembered the life-saving grace of the Zhang family's mother and son, and watched Zhang Ye grow up, from a naughty child to a gentle and graceful young man with a personable demeanor.

It was no surprise that she fell in love with Zhang Ye.

But Mrs. Xueli also knew that Zhang Ye didn't like her, or in other words, he treated her more like a sister who grew up dependent on each other, and what he liked was the younger sister Qingmei next door.

It was a girl who was completely different from her, she was pampered to be innocent and fragile, like a sweet pear blossom, a little bit of wind and rain could blow her down and wither her.

She watched Zhang Ye search for folk remedies for her, and tried his best to prolong Miss Li's life, but finally couldn't bear it, and left Yunzhou to find a century-old ginseng, and asked Zhang Ye to nourish Miss Li's body.

The boy stared blankly at the girl with a tired face, suddenly hugged her, and said softly: "Let's get married, Xueli."

Mrs. Xueli was startled.

The great joy covered up all kinds of things that were wrong, like why Zhang Ye wanted to marry Miss Li when he liked her so much.

Maybe she had expected it long ago, but she just pretended not to know.

She pretended to be blind and took a gamble.

The result was a complete failure.

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(End of this chapter)

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