Chapter 584 Misunderstanding Buddha (78)

Jikong sat opposite the abbot.

As soon as Ji Kong left the customs, he was invited by the abbot who sent someone to guard in front of the cave.

The abbot looked at the young man in front of him. After decades of experience and precipitation, his demeanor became more and more calm and graceful, and it also became weaker and weaker. The glazed eyes could not see anything, which made people feel inexplicably empty.

The abbot spoke first: "Jikong, do you understand the recent events?"

Fingertips trembled slightly, Ji Kong pursed his lower lip, his emotions became better and better: "I've seen it."

"Abbot, I want to leave Fanyin Temple." Jikong said surprisingly.

"What do you want to do?" The abbot thinks he has maintained his health for many years, and he has practiced so that he will not be angry when he hears anything, but now he can't help but pat the table: "Do you want to find Jige?"

Quiet and silent default.

"She is a demon now," the abbot spoke to Jikong as calmly as possible: "Humans and demons are not mutually exclusive, I hope you understand this."

"Buddhism has carefully cultivated you for so many years, not to cultivate a Buddha who has become a demon."

"I know." The boy replied quietly.

"I won't be enchanted," he lowered his eyes, and his slender and long eyelashes were drawn down, like soft and slightly curled rose petals, with a delicate and beautiful arc, filled with the golden sunlight pouring from the window, tailing. The end is dyed to slightly gold, light and cold.

"I just want to try to see if I can pull her back."

"You want to feed demons with your body," the abbot repeatedly shook his head, "It's just ridiculous."

Ji Kong didn't make an excuse.

"Jikong, are you tempted?" the abbot suddenly asked.

The young man was startled, and the corners of his lips slowly curled up: "Yes."

It took him ten years to figure it out, but he was already moved.

Perhaps it was when he saw the dying sky fox in the vast mountain forest.

Or it was the moment when the demonic energy was everywhere that day, and the girl in red was holding his wrist with a smile.

There are too many heart-stirring moments, and he has already fallen unconsciously.

The heart demon calamity before the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation came as scheduled. The girl who had been away for many years had white teeth and red lips, and the corners of her slender and slightly protruding eyes were curved, hiding the shining moonlight.

That was a doom he couldn't escape.

Jikong looked at the abbot silently.

His hands were folded on his knees, and a black bracelet was tied on his slender white wrist under the cover of his sleeves. It was snow-colored and velvet, and when it rubbed against the skin, it felt soft to the touch.

The light in the room is good, and the thin layer of bamboo paper can't cover anything, leaving mottled light and shadow.

The handsome young man has a clear face, with a delicate and holy lotus print on his forehead, light-colored lips, and fair skin, like a clear and elegant painting.

The abbot saw his seriousness, and murmured: "I shouldn't..."

The young man sat upright and said slowly, "Abbot, I want to try it."

He didn't want to accept his fate.

The prophecy may come true.

But before that predetermined fate came, he wanted to grab the man's hand.

Even if there is only a one in ten thousand possibility, he will try his best to give it a try.

The abbot closed his eyes, and there was a bit of pity and compassion in his eyes: "Okay, as you wish."

"But you have to remember that you are the future hope of Buddhism, so don't slack off the Dharma."

The Buddhist disciple Jikong officially announced his departure from the Fanyin Temple after leaving the customs, causing an uproar in Buddhism.

The abbot did not give any explanation to the outside world, nor did he send anyone to stop Jikong.

Since then, the Buddhist disciples who seldom show up in front of people have disappeared in the world of self-cultivation.

 one more

  Thank you Star sink. Little Angel for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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