Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 603 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 603 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (6)

After the discussion, Demon Monarch Tianxuan caught up with Ji Ge.

"Wait, shake light," the woman gave birth to a lovable baby face, and the goose yellow dress was light and soft, which looked very pleasing, but Ji Ge knew that this was a murderous embryo who would kill without blinking an eye, and the blood would make her She was excited: "Haven't you let go yet?"

"Let go of what?" Ji Ge asked back.

Xiangli Jige's past is not difficult to find out, you only need to find someone who has lived a long time in the devil world to know this person's past.

Xiangli Jige originally grew up in the human race, and was picked up by a human monk from the World of Warcraft forest. Her parents were unknown. She was like an ordinary human race at first, and she did not show her uniqueness. After she grew up, she was admitted to the No. [-] school in Xuanyue Mainland, Divine Grace Academy.

But her appearance got in the way of many people, and she was framed by a student who was jealous of her during a mission, and she ended up stealing nothing. Many people died in that mission, but Xiangli Jige survived.

Many of the students who died were the children of powerful families. The younger generation they had placed high hopes on died, so they naturally wanted to ask for an explanation, and Xiangli Jige, who had no support behind them, was the outlet they found.

Xiangli Jige is a rare genius, but there is no shortage of geniuses in this world.

Xiangli Jige was accused of intentionally killing her companion, sent to prison, and her muscles and bones were abolished. Fortunately, she escaped from prison and awakened the blood of Ashura in the joint pursuit of several big families. So those who chased her were killed together, and she became famous in one fell swoop.

The families who hunted down her were all revenged by Xiangli Jige one by one, but the family has been passed down for thousands of years and has a deep foundation, so it will not die easily, so although Xiangli Jige's blow hurt their vitality, they must be completely destroyed It's still a bit of a hassle.

Jihad is a great opportunity.

And not long after this incident, Xiangli Jige announced that he joined the demon clan, which was at odds with decency.

But what other people know is only a general idea, and they don't know the inside story.

For example, it was her brother Xu Yeshuang who rescued her from the prison. In order to protect Xiangli Jige from the hunt, Xu Yeshuang finally chose to blew himself up to buy time for Xiangli Jige to escape.

Xiangli Jige is a moody, merciless witch. In order to rationalize her relationship with the hero, the hero looks exactly like Xu Yeshuang.

That's why Xiangli Jige came up on a whim to save Jiang Wanchen in the Jiang family's massacre.

Because, Xiangli Jige's "Ten Fang Lianhua Sutra" has already reached the eighth level, but it is stuck at the bottleneck and has been unable to break through for a long time.

Xiangli Jige always thinks of the time when she ran away. When she asked Xu Yeshuang why he wanted to help her, the young man looked sad and helpless, and sighed: "Junior Sister, you don't understand."

Later, Xu Yeshuang spattered three feet of blood in order to protect her.

Asura people have shallow feelings, Xiangli Jige naturally doesn't understand why Xu Yeshuang desperately protects her.

It became her obsession.

And Jiang Wanchen, who is similar to Xu Yeshuang, has become a tool for her to get rid of her obsession.

Of course, in the original plot, Xiangli Jige didn't expect that he would fall into it, and he lost everything in the end.

"How dare you provoke me," the girl smiled softly, brushing her thin white fingers over Ruyu's earlobe, which was adorned with a delicate light silver bell, shaking silently, with a deep chill in her eyes, and said coolly: "They Be prepared to die."

The aristocratic family made Xiangli Jige their opposite by virtue of their strength.

And the Asura tribe, regardless of men and women, will take revenge and hold grudges abnormally.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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