Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 616 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 616 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (19)

Especially the king of dragons like Yinyue Jiao.

"It's Elder Yunqing," the disciple of Jianling Pavilion, who was as unlucky as the students of the Divine Grace College, was taken as prey by the Yinyue Jiao, shouted, his tone relaxed a little: "We are saved."

The current fight is not something that people with their level of cultivation can participate in. Seeing this, the students of the Divine Grace College consciously stood a little farther away, and began to discuss in a low voice.

"The one in Tsing Yi is Elder Yun Qing from Jianling Pavilion, so who is this woman?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: "I don't know, I don't know."

"Maybe it's the elders of Lingling Pavilion or something."

Yinyue Jiao was fierce, but was always overwhelmed by the girl.

With a smile on the girl's lips, she volleyed up to the Yinyue Jiao. The strength of the Asura clan is not only in the red lotus karma, but also in the strength of the physical body and the astonishing speed of cultivation.

With the body of half god and half ghost, the tyranny of his blood even surpasses that of divine beasts.

Yinyue Jiao aggressively wanted to kill her, but Ji Ge found an opportunity to dig out Yinyue Jiao's beast pill.

The beast pill is equivalent to the heart of a monster. The silver moon dragon's beast pill is protected by the hardest scales all over its body, but now it has been dug out abruptly. The dark yellow beast eyes the size of copper bells quickly lost their luster. The huge body fell straight down.

"Okay?" Yun Qing, who was helping out not far away, stepped forward and asked.

"It's been resolved," Ji Ge raised the corners of his lips, with a half-smile: "You can leave with the disciples from Jianling Pavilion."

"Forget that I owe you a favor." Yun Qing said without hesitation.

Ji Ge turned to leave, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the embarrassed male lead and smiled silently.

It's over for her, but there is still a follow-up to Jiang Wanchen's affairs.

In the original plot, because the eldest prince was jealous of Jiang Wanchen and wanted to put him to death, he was so paranoid that he set up a trap with himself to make Jiang Wanchen bear the crime of murdering the prince.

The royal family wanted to kill him, but Elder Wuji refused to give in. He argued hard and managed to save Jiang Wanchen's life, but abolished his roots.

This is the prelude to the male protagonist's development towards Shuangwen.

Not long after this incident, the surviving eldest prince managed to get him to the southern desert. Jiang Wanchen was pressed by the killers he sent, and finally fell into the quicksand. Killer, also found the ruins of the temple hidden under the quicksand.

Sleeping in the ruins is the remnant soul left after the fall of the ancient power. He sensed the divine bone aura hidden in the male lead, and determined to help the male lead.

This is one of the golden fingers of the hero in the plot, the omniscient grandfather who knows all kinds of practice secrets and superb swordsmanship.

Because of him, the male protagonist got a lot of opportunities later, slapped the cannon fodder who once looked down on him, awakened the bones of the gods, and began to walk towards the Qingyun road of becoming a god.

It's a pity that he can't get this golden finger now.

Ji Ge smiled and glanced at the First Prince.

If the eldest prince died, then Elder Wuji would not be able to keep the male lead no matter what.

Therefore, I can only ask him to die.

Touching her upper lip lightly with her fingers, she made a silencing motion. The young girl's figure disappeared from sight, and the eldest prince who was planning how to deal with Jiang Wanchen paused, closed his eyes and fell back.

"Your Highness." Surrounded by the First Prince, those who were carefully watching over him were startled, and immediately leaned over to check the First Prince's breathing.

The eldest prince's breathing has disappeared.

"His Royal Highness is dead!" The servant screamed, his mind was full of what to do with himself and his family if the royal family found out about this.

Jiang Wanchen, who was bandaging his wound, turned his head abruptly when he heard the words, staring fixedly at the eldest prince, his lips were pale.

how come? !

 four shifts

  Haw's plane is based on villainous women, very crazy.

  Because she was aggrieved in the last plane, so this plane is more fun
  But they won't kill people indiscriminately.

  Tomorrow's update is also at night, not in the early morning
  Adjust your schedule

(End of this chapter)

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