Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 625 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 625 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (28)

Ji Ge raised his hand, and quickly stroked his earlobe with his fingers.

A silver dagger flew out, just passing Tianshu Mojun's head.

Feeling the threat of baldness, Tianshu Mojun finally calmed down, took out the so-called gift he brought with his mouth flattened, and put it on the Ji Singer.

"Take it."

It was an ink-colored jade box that was sealed in a special way. There was a thin red thread running on the box, as bright as bloodstains, giving off a sense of horror.

Touching the jade box with his fingertips, Ji Ge probably guessed what was inside, and a sincere smile appeared on his face.

There is no pain anywhere in the whole body.

The feeling of being forcibly repaired and widened the meridians was not pleasant, like wanting to split Jiang Wanchen in half alive, the young man bit his lips dripping with blood, but he never said a word.

The boy opened his eyes only after the liquid medicine in the medicine bath was absorbed until it became transparent, and slowly climbed out of the medicine pool.

Water droplets dripped on the floor, Jiang Wanchen lowered his head, looking at his increasingly powerful body, which was gradually breaking away from the immaturity and slenderness of a teenager, and had the upright and thick feeling of a youth.

The awakening of the god bone is not a trivial matter. After all, it has a god character. You don’t need to think about how much energy this thing needs to absorb when it is officially awakened. Therefore, Ji Ge prepared a medicinal bath for Jiang Wanchen to improve the youth’s physique. Wangsha, the financial manager of the Mojun's mansion, was heartbroken looking at the batches of medicinal materials that were spent.

Don't think about it too much, it will hurt your mind.

It's also a loss that Jige's territory has collected enough property over the years to support her lavish spending.

The boy simply put on a shirt, just in time to see Wangsha hurrying past on the promenade.

"Aunt Wangsha, where are you going?"

The boy spoke up.

"Young Master Jiang," Wang Sha stopped, "Is today's medicinal bath finished?"

Jiang Wanchen nodded.

Everyone in Yaoguang Mojun's house likes this new disciple that his lord has taken in very much. Not only is he born well, but he also has a good temper.

Compared with many big demons with status and status in the demon world, it is already much better.

"What about Master?"

"Your Majesty is entertaining Tianshu Mojun in front." Wangsha raised his palm slightly so that Jiang Wanchen could notice the plate of tea fruit in his hand.

The smile on Jiang Wanchen's lips froze for a moment, and he quickly returned to normal: "Aunt Wangsha still has something to do, I'll just carry things over for Auntie."

"This..." Wangsha hesitated a little.

Jiang Wanchen was exceptionally considerate: "Aunt Wangsha must be very busy taking care of the affairs of the house every day. I can do this little thing for my aunt."

Jiang Wanchen had already talked about this, so Wangsha stopped insisting, and she was really busy, so she handed the disc to Jiang Wanchen: "Then thank you, young master."

Jiang Wanchen took Yuanpan and continued to walk along the corridor to the hall where the guests were received.

The young man knocked on the door, and only pushed open the door when Ji Ge asked him to come in.

There was nothing in the hall to block the line of sight. Jiang Wanchen immediately saw Ji Ge and Tianshu Mojun together. The two were very close to each other, looking at something head to head, and they looked extremely close at first glance.

Hearing the sound, the two turned their heads in unison.

Jiang Wanchen, who choked on this exact behavior, couldn't get up or down, not to mention how uncomfortable he was holding it in his heart.

"Master." Jiang Wanchen said stiffly.

"The gift has been delivered, then I'm leaving, Ji Ge."

The clear and bright young man said happily, he tilted his head slightly, and finally succeeded in stealing the fragrance while Ji Ge was not paying attention.

The slightly cool touch fell on his chin, and it fell apart as soon as he touched it. He watched Jiang Wanchen who was not far away clearly changed his face, and the corners of his lips raised provocatively.

"Goodbye, Silent Song."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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