Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 628 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 628 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (31)

After the divine bone awakened, Jiang Wanchen began to practice after the abolition of self-cultivation.

It is not easy to find a suitable technique for him. After all, the cultivation techniques of the God Race have long since disappeared into history along with the demise of the God Realm.

Jiang Wanchen was also a little curious about what kind of exercises Ji Ge would choose for him, but Ji Ge was not in a hurry, as if he had already thought about it, and called him into the room on the third day of his divine bone awakening.

The girl just got up, her hair was loose and not bundled up. Compared with her usual inaccessible and dignified appearance, she looked a little softer and more accessible, which neutralized the sharpness of her temperament.

Ji Ge threw Jiang Wanchen a book.

On the cover, the five characters of "The Lotus Sutra of Ten Directions" are clear and powerful.

"This is?" Jiang Wanchen was stunned holding the book.

"The Lotus Sutra of Ten Directions." Ji Ge wrote lightly.

It's not like mentioning the secret book that everyone is flocking to and can cultivate to become a god, but it's like talking about an ordinary book.

Ji Ge stared at him: "Not everyone can practice this book."

She said contemptuously: "If you want to avenge the Jiang family, you must at least have that strength. I won't interfere."

Jiang Wanchen settled down: "I see, Master."

"The Lotus Sutra of Ten Directions" is not an easy book to understand, on the contrary, it is quite obscure.

Those who enter the Tao with emotion first grasp their own seven emotions and six desires.

If you master it well, it will become a big killer.

Xiangli Jige was hunted down back then, and saw Xu Ye's double death with his own eyes. Under grief and indignation, he not only awakened the blood of Asura, but also comprehended the fifth level of the "Ten Fang Lotus Sutra".

--life and death.

And the ninth level, which she has been unable to break through now, is called Hongchen.

The Asura family wanders outside the mortal world, and they are not attached to the world of mortals. They don't even want to become relatives, and they are lonely kings who think they are chic. If it is not for the continuation of Asura's blood, Asura women are unwilling to conceive.

They are weakly related, and they are the sharpest swords in the world.

There is no sheath to bind them, so when this sword hurts others, it is easy to hurt itself.

Jiang Wanchen is not from the Asura clan, but he has a godly bone and extraordinary comprehension, so his cultivation in the "Ten Directions Lotus Sutra" can be said to be progressing rapidly.

In the first year, Jiang Wanchen regained the realm of controlling objects.

In the fifth year, Jiang Wanchen broke through refining weapons and officially entered the realm of Yuanhua.

The speed of the young man's cultivation was even more astonishing than that of Ji Ge back then, but after he broke through the realm of refining weapons, the speed of Jiang Wanchen's cultivation also slowed down.

In the seventh year, the boy cultivated to the third level of Yuanhua.

Just after he ascended to the third level of Yuanhua, Ji Ge called him to the main hall.

"Your cultivation is good enough," Ji Ge cut to the chase: "Do you want to know who the person who destroyed the Jiang family was?"

After seven years of polishing, the once green and immature boy has grown into a mature and stable young man. His appearance has faded away from the outline of a boy, and he has become handsome and beautiful. His temperament is calm, like a pearl in the dark, shining quietly.

Not bright, but soft and gentle.

In contrast to this is Jiang Wanchen's ability to provoke peach blossom debts. Ji Ge has seen more than one girl courteous to him, including in the capital of the devil world, the first disciple of the seldom-shown Luguang Demon Lord has surpassed the flirtatious Tianquan Demon Lord , became the number one sweetheart of the girl in the capital city of the devil world.

However, Jiang Wanchen didn't agree to any of them, and kept his aloofness well.

But today he couldn't keep it up.

Even though Jiang Wanchen had already prepared himself for this day, he still couldn't control his body's slight stiffness.

"who is it?"

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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