Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 645 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 645 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (48)

As soon as Ji Ge's name came out, the girl looked at them with a funny expression, as if she had seen a ghost.

Holding the folding fan with slender white fingers, he slowly put it away.

Elder Yuzhonglou looked at Jige with cold eyes: "Why is Lord Yaoguang here?"

"I'm afraid that my apprentice will enter this Yunguang secret realm alone, and be weak and bullied by you." Ji Ge replied with a smile.

Everyone was astonished.

As we all know, there is only one disciple accepted by Lord Yaoguang, the orphan of Jiang family. He killed the head of the Xu family in the town, causing ups and downs, and all kinds of conspiracy theories came out.

And now, that mysterious young master of the Jiang family was standing obediently behind Ji Ge, with blood stains on his handsome and cold cheeks.

Ji Song: "Whose blood?"

Jiang Wanchen: "The enemy's."

"Your Majesty the Demon Monarch is so domineering," the elder took a deep breath, annoyed by the attitude of the master and the apprentice, his face was so dark and frightening: "How should I deal with Mr. Jiang killing the first disciple of Yuzhong Building?"

Ji Ge smiled, and bent his index finger lightly.

Jiang Wanchen understood and took out the photo beads.

The movements of the two were very smooth, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in the elder's heart.

The scenes of Xu Ruyang and his companions trying to kill Jiang Wanchen to seize the treasure in the Yunguang Secret Realm unfolded in front of him one after another. Ji Ge didn't look at other people's faces. The girl's eyes were slightly curved, with flowing and delicate lines. Reached?"

The evidence was so strong that the elder Yuzhonglou's face was ashen. He didn't expect Jiang Wanchen to record the video, and he didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Ji Ge didn't intend to give them another chance to make trouble, a cluster of flames burst out suddenly and swallowed the elders violently.

The cultivation bases of the two were almost the same, so the red lotus karma did not cause a devastating blow to the elder, but it also had a considerable impact.

The fire of hell is extremely hot, attached to the soul, and extremely difficult to extinguish.

Even though the elder had tried his best to hide and extinguish it, a ray of soul was still burned by the red lotus karma, and the severe pain swept through. The expression of his face hidden under the hood changed instantly, his eyes were full of hatred, as if poison had been quenched, and he wished to kill Ji Ge quickly. .

There was no hope of breaking through, and he was seriously injured by the red lotus fire, which made the possibility of improving his cultivation even more slim.

"Wronging my disciples, there is always a price to pay." Ji Ge reflected on whether he had been too friendly recently, making them feel that he was easy to bully.

As the most troublesome one among the demons, she wants to prove herself.

Mu Huan stood behind the elders of Mu's family, her eyes fell on Ji Ge involuntarily, she thought in a daze, this girl who looks as hot as fire and as stunning as a red lotus is Jiang Wanchen's master, the fluctlight demon who is famous in both clans Sir?

When everyone else's attention was occupied by Ji Ge, only Mu Huan paid attention to Jiang Wanchen.

The young man looked at the master quietly, with almost imperceptible admiration hidden in his eyes.

Too obscure, too silent.

That kind of look, just like she looked at Jiang Wanchen many times before, knowing that it was impossible, but she was still attracted by the brilliance, the familiarity made Mu Huan feel sad.

She bit her lip tightly, her fingers clenched her sleeves tightly, and it became difficult to breathe.

It turned out that this was the person he liked.

Ji Ge impatiently reasoned with them, and left with Jiang Wanchen in his arms.

Even the elder Yuzhonglou who had the highest cultivation here was seriously injured, and the rest of the people knew that their strength was not as good as Jige's, so they didn't stop her and let Jige leave.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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