Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 651 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 651 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (54)

The person who stood in the way of the Void Returning cultivator was a middle-aged man, probably for the purpose of suppressing the situation, so the image of Zhu Yan was quite deterrent.

Ji Ge raised his eyebrows in interest: "It's very courageous to accept my Red Lotus Karma."

The long-extinct Asura clan is a terrible existence limited to the gods in the world, and Jige is also the top group among the Asura clan. The red lotus karma burns and destroys the soul, and it is a big killer that is difficult to deal with .

The middle-aged man withdrew his hand and motioned for the Void Returning monk to stand back with a solemn expression.

They are good at defense. They are covered with copper skin and iron bones, and they are invulnerable to fire and water. They are hard to hurt with swords. Since he broke through to the immortal state, he has not been injured for a long time, but today he really experienced a burning soul. pain.

"Xiangli Jige, you were once a human race, why did you wholeheartedly help the demon race and help the evildoers?"

Ji Ge waved his hand and held out the Yan Luo Fan.

A thin folding fan was placed in front of the girl's slender and white fingers, the lines were delicate and beautiful, and the radiant girl's laughter was clear and clear. She stood on the ghost car, her black hair slid down her shoulders, and she was cut into an unparalleled color.

The red lips were half bent, and the arc seemed to be smiling: "You are wrong."

The young girl has an insolent temperament, and slowly turned her wrist: "I am not a human race, nor a demon race. Now I am just revenge for revenge, and revenge for grudges."

The Asura family, half god and half ghost, was born in the netherworld.

The folding fan flew out, and made a head-to-head move with the middle-aged man's sledgehammer. The seemingly fragile folding fan was not damaged at all under the hard sledgehammer, and the force exerted on it was terrifying, forcing the middle-aged man to take a step back. .

His expression became more serious.

Playing one-on-one with Jige is undoubtedly a dead end. Fortunately, this is not a competition on the fighting stage. The human race soon came out with an immortal power. With two-on-one, it is possible to fight Jige There are going.

The Heavenly Power Demon Lord is not here, and went to another battlefield to help last night, so Ji Ge is the only master who can stay here and fight them.The girl is not afraid, the red lotus industry fire spirit is haunted, appearing from a tricky angle from time to time, interfering with the actions of the two powerful human races, so that they not only have to guard against the Yan Luo Shan, which is remotely controlled by Ji Ge, but also the ubiquitous The red lotus industry fire.

While those above were fighting like a raging fire, the people below were not idle either.

Ji Ge was not there, so the charge was replaced by Jiang Wanchen.

The young man is only in his twenties, and to a monk with a long lifespan, he is just a fledgling young man, but he has a spiritual bone, and he has practiced the "Ten Directions Lotus Sutra", and has already reached the fifth stage. His strength cannot be relied on alone. Cultivation is judged, so it is not unreasonable to be at the front.

Ji Ge lay back in the ghost car again, the veil was torn off, revealing the scene inside.

With a clear view, she stared at the two of them closely, controlling Yan Luoshan's actions.

The long sword was swung, and the exquisite swordsmanship dazzled the eyes. The young man's body was erratic and erratic, appearing at the right position every time, harvesting heads one after another.

Jiang Wanchen didn't go to see Ji Ge, but he didn't need to look to know how dazzling she was.

His elusive sweetheart is the person of his life's dream.

The battle ended in a disastrous defeat for the human race. Jiang Wanchen put away his sword, ignored the corpses everywhere on the battlefield, and walked in the direction of Jige.

Suddenly a string in my mind was slightly plucked.

Consciousness slackened and fell into chaos.

Jiang Wanchen heard a woman's charming and soft laughter, low and tender.

"Go, help me kill Xiangli Jige."

she said.

 four shifts

  There is still a zero point for the update of the payment of arrears.

(End of this chapter)

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