Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 667 Confession please be early

Chapter 667 Confession Please Be Early (9)

The atmosphere in the private room froze instantly.

The girl's pretty face was livid with anger, but her eyes turned red when the bewildered Sunan came up to ask about the situation, she held her boyfriend's arm and acted like a baby: "She bullied me, why don't you care?!"

The face-changing skills are well practiced.

Sunan didn't pay attention to this side, he was a little dazed now, and looked in the direction his girlfriend pointed, cold sweat dripped down his forehead immediately.

How did his girlfriend provoke this little ancestor?

Even if a girl offends the young master of the Shen family who is the owner of this birthday party, Sunan will not find it difficult.

The point is, this person is Ruan Jige, a well-known difficult and willful young lady in the upper class circle.

Le Ye snorted coldly: "If you want justice, you don't want to see who started the fire first, and you want Ruan Ruan to admit your mistake, why don't you look in the mirror to see if you are worthy." This is also a vicious master.

Sunan immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

After he learned the ins and outs from the people next to him, he felt that his girlfriend was trying to kill her. The man scolded the girl: "Stop making trouble, and apologize to Sister Ruan."

"No need," Ji Ge got up slowly, the girl fiddled with the long curly hair scattered on her chest, and the tied ponytail was untied long before entering the door.The slender white fingertips touched the corners of her eyes, and the stars and sequins were shining, caressed by her soft fingertips.The girl didn't wear the heavy makeup like last night, but her bright and delicate appearance still supported her aura of publicity.

The arrogance is full.

The girl picked up the water-blue petal-shaped bag beside her, and flicked it: "It's not fun here at all, I'm leaving."

Ji Ge smiled at Chao Leye, with a reserved and dignified smile on his lips: "Say happy birthday to birthday star for me."

After speaking, the girl left directly.

The atmosphere was tense.

Le Ye cast a disdainful glance at the girl, gloating: "Su Nan, look at how big a mess your girlfriend has made."

Sunan's face darkened, and he maintained a good smile: "I will ask Xiaoyuan to apologize to Sister Ruan when I have a chance in the future."

The girl felt a little guilty, but she still persisted in her indomitable way, and muttered softly: "It was originally, so who would you show me being so arrogant?"

"Shut up, you," Le Ye glanced at her: "It's not for you to see anyway."

Sunan also felt a little disgusted with the girls who messed around regardless of the occasion.

After dating for so long, he was also a little tired.

Ji Ge doesn't care about that girl's future fate, she only knows that this plane has drawn such a good identity card, and it's not for her to be angry.

She could smooth things over and make this a big deal, but why bother.

Anyway, she wasn't the one who died, and it wasn't her turn to be the unlucky one.

It was already evening, and Ji Ge ate some snacks to fill his belly in the afternoon. He was not very hungry, but he still wanted to eat.

A burst of aroma wafted from the street, and Jige stopped the car in a parking space not far from a ramen restaurant.

The rose-red car caught the attention of the public, and the petite girl opened the door and got out, entering the ramen restaurant.

The ramen restaurant is small but clean.

The current hour happened to be the time when there were the most customers, and the ramen restaurant was full of people, but fortunately, Ji Ge just entered and a table of guests checked out and left.

The waiter took away the remaining bowls and chopsticks.

Ji Ge took out a tissue from the bag, wiped the table and stool before sitting down slowly.

She was a little difficult to choose. She hesitated for a long time looking at the names on the menu, and chose a fried noodles.

 one more

  Thank you Yunlei candy little angel for your reward

(End of this chapter)

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