Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 670 Confession please be early

Chapter 670 Confession Please Be Early (12)

For the next week, Ji Ge never ran into An Lian again.

She was busy familiarizing herself with the company's affairs until she received a call from her cousin a week later.

"No time." Ji Ge refused after listening to her cousin's request.

The other party wailed: "Ruan Ruan, don't refuse so decisively, think about it, maybe you will change your mind after a while."

Ji Ge crushed the sugar in his mouth, and the sound was clear and crisp. The large office chair is very comfortable to nest, but it will inevitably become lazy after staying for a long time.

The girl said lazily, "I'm busy being the president, and I don't have time to be a music teacher."

"... Please, Ruan Ruan," the cousin choked up, weak and helpless: "It's not that I have a broken leg. I really can't help it. My colleague's class is full, so I can only ask you for help."

"There are only three or four classes a week, and you can leave at any time after class, and you don't need to stay there every day, not to mention that it is a super famous key high school, and there are many good-looking boys."

Ji Ge tore open a bag of potato chips, and didn't rush to stuff it into his mouth, but thought of something else.

An Lian was also in high school, and her cousin joined the most famous high school in the vicinity, which was relatively close, so the boy also studied there in all likelihood.

She hadn't been in contact with An Lian for a long time, and her favorability value hadn't risen. She had to find a way to get in touch, otherwise it would be good not to say that her favorability value rose, not to drop.

"Okay," Ji Ge let go, "Send me your class schedule."

The cousin felt relieved and hurriedly agreed.

Ji Ge opened the class schedule and found that the arrangement was quite sufficient. There were three or four different classes, each class had a music class, and there were even senior high school students in it.

According to what my cousin said, in A, it is said that it is for the students to relax and study should combine work and rest, so although the third year of high school is busy, there is a music class and an art class every week. As for the physical education class, it is better than this. Two quarters add up to more.

There are not many classes, and the main thing is to play the piano and play some light music for the students to relieve their fatigue from the usual class, just relax.

Ji Ge added the grade director's WeChat business card pushed by his cousin, communicated with him a few words, and quickly finalized his class time.

Middle A, Class One, Senior Three.

"...We are going to have a new music teacher, I heard she is a great beauty."

The boy is very interested: "Do you have a picture?"

"No," the other party shook his head, and said mysteriously: "It is said that the former music teacher invited him to take over as a substitute. He taught the class next door before, but he doesn't stay in school very much and rarely sees people."

"But the classmate next door said that she is a super extravagant beauty."

Talk about things without evidence, and it will pass quickly.

The slender girl passed through the crowd and said politely, "Please make way."

The boy's eyeballs moved, and he said with a smile: "Is there any class flower that looks good?"

"Come on, what's the use of being pretty," the person who answered the conversation said in a sour tone, "It's none of our business to focus on other people."

The boy was a little discouraged and turned his head to look.

The boy propped his chin with a pen, his expression was lazy, and his green eyes were looking out the window, as if in a daze.

Her emerald eyes fell into the void, her flower-like lips were slender and bright red, her skin was white and translucent, and her appearance was too delicate.

"..." Can't compare.

Does such beauty really exist?

The boy glanced at the outstanding class flower, then at An Lian, and felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

It seems that Banhua is not as good-looking as others.

 four shifts

  I will be doing nucleic acid tomorrow, so I will post it in the early morning when I finish writing, and find time to post it during the day if I can’t finish it
  But it is not recommended, etc., the plot is completely made up, don't believe it


(End of this chapter)

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