Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 698 Confession please be early

Jiujiu trusts Jige inexplicably, and nods his head like a chicken pecking at rice, cheering Jige up.

The voice is cheerful.

"The host is the best."


It secretly looked forward to the day when the car overturned, I really don't know what expression the host will have.

Ji Ge and Ruan's father made an appointment to go home in a few days, but they were delayed for a few more days because of the company and the school's affairs. It took almost half a month before the agreed date was reached before the time to go back was finalized.

Autumn is here, and City H has officially entered the rainy season.

The light rain pattered and the chill was faint.

The leaves have yellow edges and hang on the branches sporadically, embellishing the unique light and tired picture of autumn.

The weather is getting cold very quickly. The sun was still shining brightly a few days ago, but now it is drizzling.

The girl is wearing a knitted woolen skirt, the light gray color is soft and light, her long hair has been dyed back to its original color, and the dark brown color is glowing softly, and it is braided into side centipede braids, which weakens most of the alienated temperament on her body.

An Lian asked for leave today, did not go to Middle School A, and stayed at home to rest.

When he saw Ji Ge going out, the boy was startled, it was rare to see her in such a gentle and sweet dress.

"Where is sister going?"

Ji Ge held the door, smiled at him, with crooked eyebrows.

"Go home."

Oh, the boy said.

Ji Ge tilted her head. An Lian had been indifferent since three days ago. She thought it was good, and it was good to keep it the same, so she didn't ask any more questions.

The boots stepped on the smooth ground, and the sound went away crisply.

The door was closed.

Doudou nestled in the boy's arms, lying lazily on his stomach, and the puppet cat's long, fluffy tail brushed the boy's body once and for all, as soft as a cloud.

The teenager held the cat by the back of the neck with one hand, and looked at it.

Talk to yourself.

"You said, does she like me?"

An Lian's alienation was obvious, and it was impossible for Ji Ge not to notice it, but she seemed to be quite happy with the situation, accepted it quickly, and didn't ask him why.

An Lian's breath was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't get up or down.

He had some doubts about whether the method taught by An Mu would work.

The young man pursed his lips unhappily.

said bitterly.

"She's just a fool."

Doudou was strangled by the back of fate, and she had to listen to An Lian accuse her shit-shoveling officer here, the whole cat is not good.

The two-color puppet cat struggled to get down, showed its paws, and meowed threateningly.

Point your fingertips on the nose of the puppet cat.

Green eyes approached.

That is different from the pupils of cats, a pair of beautiful pupils, light in color, clear and cold, as beautiful as opals.

Doudou read the full low air pressure from it.

The Ragdoll froze.

It’s this age, so let’s not even sit around.

What does the shit shoveling officer have to do with an ignorant puppet cat?

Let go of the cat.

Ji Ge didn't know that An Lian gave him a fool's evaluation behind his back, and went out happily.

Ruan's father and Ruan's mother expressed their full welcome to the return of Pearl of Palm.

After eating, Ruan's mother took Ji Ge out to go shopping in high spirits.

Ruan's mother disliked Ruan's father being in the way, and told him to stay at home and not get in the way.

Father Ruan agreed aggrievedly.

Ruan's father, who is not easy to get close to outsiders, is like a domesticated Xiugou in front of Ruan's mother.

This plane is really a pure vacation, quite relaxed, Ji Ge let himself relax, not as tense as the previous two planes, but rather casual.

Her vigilance disappeared temporarily, and she acted like a fool.

The system felt that this guy seemed to be demented. He really felt that An Lian was well-behaved and harmless.

It is a little puzzled.

After overturning the car so many times, why does the host still think that the main god is a good person who looks the same.

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