Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 703 Confession please be early

But what needs to be noticed is that An Lian must not catch her when she is secretly watching the show.

The boy will settle the accounts afterwards, and he will be clear about everything.

Ji Ge was amazed at his ability to act and understand, drawing inferences from one instance, he learned the trick of tossing people quickly.

Can't it be put on the right path?
At the end of November, H City entered the early winter.

It began to snow all day long.

Lead gray clouds pressed the dim sky, and the snow rustled, forming a thin layer of frost on the glass windows.

The boy's figure was made more upright by the camel coat. He took off the silver-gray scarf and patted the snow off it.

There were snow particles on the tips of the hair, which instantly melted into drops of water, and the long eyelashes were wet and wet, and the cold touch smeared on the snow-white skin.

The slender and delicate boy closed the door and looked towards the living room.

His eyes were slightly worried.

He walked quickly to the girl who was nestling on the sofa.

"Sister, are you still suffering?"

Today is Ji Ge's menstrual period, and it wouldn't be so painful at first, but she ate an ice cream a few days ago, and now the retribution has come, the pain is so painful.

The girl was sleepily wrapped into a ball and wrapped in a hot water bottle to keep warm.

Her lips were pale, and her whole body was listless.


An Lian put her schoolbag on the coffee table: "I told you that I will ask for leave today to accompany you."

"No," Ji Ge said righteously: "Going to school is important."

An Lian reached out and pinched the girl's cheek.

His fingers were icy cold, and the cold Jige shuddered, and he immediately stepped back, warning: "Stay away from me."

The boy snorted and didn't move her any more, he waited obediently for his body to warm up.

The heating was turned on at home, and the temperature was comfortable. The boy's hands quickly warmed up. He held the girl in his arms and rubbed her belly.

With moderate strength, Ji Ge didn't resist, and shrank deeper into An Lian's embrace.

She was lying in the boy's arms, so quiet that she hardly seemed to be herself.

An Lian asked, "Did you drink the brown sugar water?"

"I drank it, but it didn't help."

An Lian lowered her eyes: "Do you want to drink more?"

Ji Ge is funny: "Don't worry about it, the brown sugar at home is all gone."

"I'll go buy it." An Lian said as she was about to get up.

Ji Ge grabbed him: "Don't go, it's too cold outside, and you can't drive, I'll take a rest for a while."

Her voice gradually lowered: "Let me hug you for a while."

The doorbell rang at this moment.

Ji Ge propped up his body: "Who is here? I'll open the door."

An Lian held her down: "Maybe Auntie is here to cook, don't move, Auntie has the key."

Ji Ge thought about it too, and coupled with the fact that his body was really uncomfortable, he stopped moving.

But she didn't expect that it was Fu Wan who came in.

The tall and capable woman walked into the room, and her gaze fell on Ji Ge who was being held by An Lian. First, she was amazed by the young man's appearance for a moment, and then her brows furrowed unobtrusively.

"Sister Fu." Ji Ge was a little surprised that she would come over, and made a sound of surprise.

Fu Wan is her life assistant, who is responsible for small things. Since He Yi's accident, he has temporarily served as Ji Ge's secretary, and usually doesn't come to the apartment.

I didn't expect to kill Ji Ge today by surprise.

Fu Wan nodded to her and shook the bag in his hand.

"brown sugar."

She simply said.

Ji Ge was uncomfortable, An Lian let her go and went to take the bag.

"Thank you, Miss Fu."

The boy yelled along with the title of Jige.

Fu Wan's sharp gaze fell on the young man, and he twitched the corners of his lips.

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