Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 712 Confession please be early

The other party said it unintentionally, but the girl immediately realized that something was wrong.

After having a conflict with Ji Ge, she deliberately learned about Ji Ge's family background, and she was popularized by science. She is undoubtedly the proud daughter of heaven, but she is an only daughter and has no brothers or sisters.

Then this so-called younger brother is worth thinking about.

The girl guessed that Jige was playing a trick of the rich, and it is just popular to cultivate beautiful boys. Maybe Jige also had this idea. After seeing the boy's beauty, he became interested and named him a younger brother. , To cover up, the relationship between the two must not be innocent.

She deduced a correct conclusion with wrong thinking, and waited for Ji Ge's gaffe with full confidence.

Knowing the inside story, Le Ye's complexion changed a little. What the girl said was really vicious. If she was not good, she would put the name of a dandy on Ji Ge.

She is now in the critical period of taking over the Ruan family, and there is no room for mistakes. The reputation is closely related to the Ruan family. If one is not careful, the stock price of the Ruan family will fluctuate. Didn't you see that she doesn't even hang out in bars now?

Ji Ge didn't have the rage or stern rebuttal that girls imagined. The eldest lady smiled sweetly. Her eyes were very beautiful, round almond eyes with round and delicate corners. The light brown pupils had a cool and thin beauty like glass beads. Look proud and flamboyant.

"What nonsense are you talking about," she said softly, "my kid will be angry if he finds out that you belittled him like this behind his back."

The girl bit her lips in distress: "He's not very easy to coax when he gets angry. I'm afraid it will take me a lot of effort to coax him well."

Seeing that Ji Ge's face was full of eagerness to use them to sacrifice to heaven as long as An Lian was angry, everyone on the sidelines took a step back and consciously made a silent gesture, expressing that they would never spread it.

Don't act out of place, lest you will be targeted by the little devil of the Ruan family.

Ruan Jige is not an easy-going personality. The girls may not have heard of the glorious deeds of this eldest lady, but they have seen them more or less. She did something like pouring a glass of wine in public people.

The action is sharp, without hesitation.

The girl was stunned, she didn't expect Ji Ge to admit it so frankly: "You... seduced other high school students..."

Ji Ge licked the strawberry Daifuku in her mouth, the smooth and soft touch melted between her lips and teeth, the girl smiled lightly, her dark brown long curly hair swayed with her movements, revealing the skin on the side of her neck, and the thin earlobes were adorned with silver earrings Nails, the tiny bells on it sway slightly, adding a beautiful and elegant style.

The eldest lady said innocently: "This is serious. Do you need to bear such a serious responsibility for the relationship between men and women?"

Her graceful eyes glanced at the people around her as if there was nothing, and her sharp eyes warned, everyone who was confused by the glamorous aura exuded by the eldest lady's gestures was shocked, who would dare to answer words indiscriminately.

The atmosphere fell into a strange silence, and there was a commotion from the other side of the gate, as if the protagonist of the banquet had been late.

The onlookers breathed a sigh of relief, Le Ye had seen enough of the show, and was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, but spoke a little too late.

The eldest lady killed without blood: "By the way, I will give you a piece of advice, a canary must have the professional ethics of a canary."

She said softly, every sentence was a weapon: "Su Nan is awake, Father Su may also wake up sometime, Madam Su, don't blame others."

She bit down the words Mrs. Su, which was originally said by others to curry favor with girls, but now she revealed a strong sarcasm.

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