Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 714 Confession please be early

The incident of the girl throwing alcohol was covered up in an understatement, and the perpetrator was forcefully invited out of the banquet hall by the security guards.

However, this is only on the surface.

Behind the scenes, Ruan's mother, who was having a friendly meeting with An's mother, had already figured out how to discuss with Ruan's father and pursue this matter when she went back.

This is just a failure, if it succeeds, Ji Ge will probably lose a lot of face.

Su's father, who was discussing the details of the contract with his business partner, found out that his beloved Canary had been kicked out of the venue, which was undoubtedly a shame for him.

The man came over, first asked the people next to him about what had happened, and then confessed to Ruan's mother. Every word and every word was his fault for not disciplining his girlfriend well, and he would give Ji Ge a certain amount of compensation.

The implication is that he hopes to shed some blood to make amends for the girl, so as to expose the incident.

An's mother knew it well, but she deliberately ignored his plan to let the girl come back, and passed it vaguely.

In any case, Ji Ge is closer to her family. Although the Su family and the An family have cooperated, their friendship is not very good. There is no need for her to displease her future daughter-in-law because of him.

Speaking of this, Mother An belatedly noticed that the atmosphere between Ji Ge and An Lian was a bit strange.

The girl and Le Ye whispered something, without giving An Lian a glance.

An Lian knew that Ji Ge was angry.

With slender eyelashes covering his dark and obscure eyes, the young man's expression became colder and colder, scaring away a group of guests who wanted to take the opportunity to chat.

He suddenly grabbed Ji Ge's hand, and nodded politely to Mother Ruan who looked over in surprise under the eyes of everyone: "Auntie, my sister and I have something to talk about, let's talk first."

Mother Ruan, who was confused, met Ji Ge's eyes. The girl didn't struggle, and smiled at her, her chin slightly raised, revealing her white teeth: "Mom, I'll be back later."

Mother An guessed that there might be some conflict between the two, and waved them away with a smile. At the same time, she held Mother Ruan and continued to talk.

Ruan's mother was a little absent-minded, frequently looking in the direction An Lian and Ji Ge left.

When did Ji Ge get to know An Jia, a baby bump? !
She didn't know anything about it.

Le Ye crossed her arms, watching Ji Ge being dragged away by An Lian happily, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Very good, An Lian should find a way to coax Ji Ge well later, so that it won't affect the people around them.

Although Ji Ge doesn't want to vent his anger, Le Ye is afraid that she will get angry and drag her to the bar to have fun. If An Lian finds out about this kind of thing, the next thing will easily get out of control.

Help, she doesn't really want to be cannon fodder for the two of them to lose their temper.

A silly, sweet person like her is not suitable to appear in a big emotional drama.

Le Ye is concerned, but life still treats the poor, weak, and helpless her.

An Lian pulled Ji Ge through the crowd and entered a lounge.

The surroundings were suddenly silent, the door was closed, and it was isolated from the banquet hall, becoming an independent small space.

"Sister," An Lian said first, "Are you angry?"

That's for sure, whoever is cheated for so long will not be angry.

Before, Wang Jige sincerely thought that the other party was a poor little girl without parents, and secretly wanted to experience the joy of a golden house.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, the identity of the other party underwent a 360-degree change, from being a poor boy to a prince, the difference between the two was as big as heaven and earth.

Ji Ge: "I'm very angry, so An Lian, let's break up."

Ji Ge: "No, we haven't dated yet, so it's not considered a breakup."

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