Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 716 Confession please be early

"Are you sincerely admitting your mistake?"

An Lian seemed to understand.

"I see."

The banquet was going on in an orderly manner according to the procedure, Ruan's mother came over and asked curiously.

"Ruan Ruan, are you very familiar with this young master of the An family?"

Ji Ge simply admitted: "Yeah."

The girl explained: "I helped him get out of the siege before."

Mother Ruan felt that things were not that simple, but seeing that Ji Ge was in a bad mood, she didn't ask too much.

After the banquet, the protagonist walked straight to Ji Ge, and politely said to Mother Ruan: "Auntie, please borrow from my sister, and I will return it before twelve o'clock."

Mother Ruan glanced at Ji Ge subconsciously, and the other protagonist looked at her calmly, without any intention of explaining.

Seeing their actions, she guessed the general idea, and she wanted to hold the red line again: "Borrow it, it's okay if you don't come back tonight."


Ji Ge, dead fish eye, is this her real mother? !
The expression on the girl's face was much more vivid, the boy bent his lips, and walked out of the banquet hall with Ji Ge.

The snow has stopped, the bright lights of the hotel are falling, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness.

An Lian took the down jacket from the waiter and wanted to put it on Ji Ge, but Ji Ge pushed his hand away, her tone still indifferent.

"I will do it myself."

The boy's body froze undetectably.

The girl lowered her head and pulled up the zipper of the down jacket. Following her movements, the long chestnut curly hair slanted towards the side of her neck, revealing a section of fair neck with tufts of fluffy hair. She shrank back into the collar coldly, like Only afraid of the cold golden bear.

But this golden-haired bear is hard to coax.

Ji Ge put on the down jacket and cut to the chase: "Where is Doudou?"

The young man silently opened the car door next to her, and said softly, "Get in the car first."

Seeing Ji Ge not moving, the young man twitched his lips: "You go up first, and I'll tell you later."

Ji Ge rubbed his chin, reckoning that his force value should be higher than the target of this plane, if he dared to mess around, he would beat someone himself, and got into the car fearlessly.

An Lian followed closely behind and told the driver in front of him an address.

"Did you bring Doudou out?"

Ji Ge squinted.

An Lian: "Yes."

Fearing that Ji Ge would leave angrily after knowing that he had been cheated, An Lian thought about it and decided to take the cat hostage.

But the girl was still angry.

An Lian looked at the girl next to her. She was looking straight ahead, her chin resting lazily on her arms, her brows and eyes were indifferent, and she had a kind of familiar and glamorous feeling.

The young man pursed his lips in discomfort, and unconsciously bit the soft flesh in his mouth with his sharp canine teeth. The tips of his teeth rubbed hard, causing a slight and long-lasting pain.

He seems to have messed things up.

The curly eyelashes are covered with a layer of soft and faint light by the dim headlights, and the white halo of empty star spots flows out, like drawing, showing a slender, dense and soft outline.

The vehicle has reached its destination.

Ji Ge got off the car and looked up.

An Lian brought her to a well-known high-end community in H City. The car parked in front of one of the apartments, and the boy told the driver to wait here and go up with Ji Ge.

It was getting late now, and there was no one in the apartment. An Lian opened the door of one of the houses, and let Ji Ge in sideways.

As soon as Ji Ge entered, Doudou, who smelled the breath of the shit-shoveling officer, trotted over and lay on Ji Ge's shoes, meowing and meowing, accusing An Lian of not practicing martial arts, and forcibly taking the cat to an unfamiliar place .

Ji Ge didn't understand what Doudou was calling, but looking at the little guy's appearance, it rarely showed his attachment to the shit-shoveling officer. The girl was so funny that she wanted to bend over and hug Doudou.

She took a step slower.

The girl was suddenly hugged by the person behind her.

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