Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 718 Confession please be early

The girl's soft body sank into the sofa.

Support your body with your elbows slightly.

The slender waist is embraced by both hands, and the posture is imprisoned.

Ji Ge put on plum-colored lipstick today, her lips were fresh and crimson, the young man's fingertips brushed them over, and then kissed the color off, all of it fell off, but her lips were still bright and bright.

She struggled to get up and whispered in her ear, "An Xiaolian, happy 19th birthday."

The girl's smiling eyes were curved, and her pupils were clear, as if she had picked up a handful of clear and bright moonlight, smashed into the palm of her hand, and rippled in circles.

The movement of the boy leaning over paused, his heart softened suddenly, like a cluster of gorgeous fireworks exploding in the night sky, with thousands of trees and thousands of trees, silver flowers shining in the night.

He pressed against her forehead and hummed softly.

"I owe you a birthday present," Ji Ge said in a low voice, "I will make it up later."

"no need."

The boy didn't care.

"My sister is always with me, it is the best birthday present."

When Ji Ge was sent home by An Lian, Mother Ruan was waiting on the sofa. After hearing the sound of the door opening, she looked at Ji Ge carefully, focusing on the girl's abnormally colored lips.

She clicked her tongue twice.

"Be honest, what is the relationship between you and An Lian?"

"The relationship between male and female friends." Ji Ge confessed.

Although Ruan's mother had already guessed the answer, she was more or less stunned: "When did you know each other?"

Ji Ge knew everything: "A few months ago."

Mother Ruan: "The progress is so fast?"

She cut to the point: "When are you going to tell your dad?"

Father Ruan is not only a wife slave, but also a standard daughter slave. He cares about his wife and daughter very much. Jackals, tigers and leopards who covet their own pearls.

If Ruan's father knew that his intimate little padded jacket had been abducted, he would probably perform an explosion in place.

Ruan's father was busy with a planning project recently, so he didn't go home today, and he didn't know what happened at An's birthday party.

But Ji Ge probably won't be able to hide from him for long.

The girl thought for a while: "I'll tell Dad when I find a chance."

Mother Ruan respected Ji Ge's decision: "OK."

Ji Ge kept this secret for several days, and never found the opportunity to confess to Ruan's father.

The girl had a very happy winter vacation. Doudou was fostered at An Lian's house. From time to time, the girl would make video calls with the boy, and An Lian was strictly ordered to take good care of the puppet cat.

The young man was a bit apprehensive about the girl's excessive attention to Doudou: "My sister is only concerned about it now."

"?" Ji Ge keenly noticed the clue, and asked jokingly: "An Lian, you don't know how to be jealous of Doudou, do you?"

"Yes," An Lian looked at the girl's face on the screen, and said slowly, "If I'm jealous, how will my sister plan to coax me?"

Ji Ge paused.

The boy held the fluffy puppet cat in his arms, rubbed its ears with his long fingers, and teased the cat. The handsome boy of salt type was careless, with a lazy and dignified look: "Sister, have you made up your mind?"

"I'm afraid of you." Ji Ge sighed: "Vinegar essence."

The girl's knuckles bent, and the fingertips touching the lips landed on the screen.

It happened to be on the screen, the boy's lips projected.


She made a sound.

The young man murmured softly.

"elder sister."


"I want to kiss you," he whispered.

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